Chapter twelve: First Dates (along with a little surprise) part one

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Disclaimer: The song in the last chapter I don't own. It's called, According to you, and it's by Orianthi.


Chapter twelve:


Aw Shell! I can't believe I just did that!!

Nicky raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me what?!" She asked. I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Well......I thought......that...maybe......"

"Maybe what?" I sighed.

"That I could take you out for dinner and a movie." She looked me over as if to see if I was lying. Finally, after about five minutes, she sighed and shrugged.

"Yea, why not. But I get to chose the movie." She said. I nodded, barely keeping in my excitement.

"Sure." She smirked.

"Alright Space boy. Meet me at my house in about an hour." She ran off leaving me confused. Space boy? That was a new one.......


I walked into the lair happily. Okay, I was more like skipping.

Raph looked up from his comic and gave me a weird look.

"What's got you so happy Fearless?" I shrugged and skipped to my room, only to be stopped by Raph.

"This better not have anything to do with Karai...." I glared at him.

"Raph, this has nothing to do with Karai."

"Then why are you so happy?" Donnie asked, coming out of his lab.

"Yea dude, I haven't seen you this happy since you discover Space Heroes." Mikey added, coming out of the kitchen. I sighed.

"Look, I'm just happy okay. Now, I have somewhere to be if you don't mind......" Donnie's Bo staff came in front of me this time.

"Where?" He asked.

"Yea dude where?" Mikey asked. Raph just raised his eyebrow, as if the say "well?" I sighed in frustration.

"Just somewhere alright?!" I made my way into my room and slammed the door. I flopped down on my bed and noticed that I had a new text from an unknown number.

'Hey Space Boy 💙'


'The one and only 😝!'

'Wait, how do you know my number?'

'Im part you remember?'

'Oh yea....'


'So, what movie are we watching tonight?' I asked.

'A movie.' I rolled my eyes.

'I meant what the title of the movie is.'

'If I told you that, you won't want to go.'

'Try me.'

'The Lego Movie. 😋' I smiled.

'Why wouldn't you think I would want to watch that? I've wanted to see that for a while know.'

'Most people I ask don't want to go *cough cough* April *cough cough* or are busy *cough cough* Mikito *cough cough*'

'Have you tried asking Casey?'

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