Chapter Fifteen: It was a trap.......

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Chapter Fifteen:


I frowned and looked at Nicky. How did she know Miktio was in trouble?

"Long story Mikey." She said simply before standing up. With help from Leo of course.

"How do you know?!" Donnie asked, amazed. I glared at him.

"We can figure it out later!! MIKTIO'S IN TROUBLE!!" Leo quickly covered his ears.

"We know Mikey. We're gonna get her back." I sighed.

I really hoped so.



"Mikey which way?!"

"Left!" Leo quickly turned left.


"Take a right, then left!!"

We (Me, Donnie, Casey [much to Donnie's dislike], Raph, Leo and Nicky) were speeding our way to TCRI, which is where Miktio was held.

'Don't worry Mikey. We'll get her back.' I looked over and smiled at Nicky. She smiled back.

"Eyes on the road Leo." She said, not even looking at him. Leo quickly turned the wheel, making us all slam into the left side of the Shellraiser.

"Ow...Donnie.....can't breath....."

"Whoops. Sorry Mikey."



"Everyone know what they're gonna do?" Leo asked, as we waited outside TCRI, going over the plan. We nodded.

"Yea sure Mikey?" I was about to nod, but Nicky answered for me.

"He's sure." Leo nodded.

"Let's go."

So, your probably wondering what the plan was.

First, we were all gonna get into TCRI. Then, Raph, Donnie and Casey (much to Donnie's dislike) were gonna head up set off a fake alarm, sending the Kraang droids into a panic. Then, me, Leo and Nicky were gonna creep in and save Mikito!!

Foolproof! I think.........



I struggled against the bounds. I had to get out of here!!!

"It's useless to struggle deary." Mona said, walking over. She was in the Foot clan?! Well, I guess that makes sense.....I'm mean, she's evil enough to be one.

I growled.

"What do you want with me?!" Mona chuckled.

"Guess struggling isn't the only thing that's useless." I turned away, not wanting her to see how much her words hurt me.

"Then again, you are part of that turtle freak......the dumb one is it?" I growled again.

"I'm not dumb. And neither is he!!!" Mona chucked.

"You keep thinking that." She muttered, as she walked out, slamming the door behind her.

Once I knew she was gone, I started to cry. I wasn't dumb or matter what people said.........

I remember once when I was in 6th grade, and some kids were picking on me. They said almost exactly what Mona had said. That I was useless, and dumb.

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