Chapter six: Today was the worst day, i went through hell (part one)

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Chapter six:

I woke up not to my alarm, but to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID. It was April. What could she want at this time?

I groaned and answered it.


"OMG, I'm sooooo sorry Nicky! I meant to call Mikito!" I raised a tired eyebrow.


"Because she wanted to know if Raph was okay." I frowned and sat up.

"Why wouldn't he be?" I heard her gaps and some whispers on the other side.

"Hello? I'm still here!!" I heard April sigh.

"Raph got in a fist fight yesterday." I plopped back down.

"So?" I could hear April huff in annoyance.

"So, that means he was really hurt!" I sighed.

"Who'd he get in the fight with?"


"Then I'm sure he's fine, Josh is a wimp." April let out another huff of annoyance.

"That's not the bad news. After school, Josh some cronies jumped him in an ally." I groaned.

"Is that all?" I didn't care at the time, but i should've. I had pushed April limit.

"Do you care about ANYONE other than yourself?"

"Of course I do." I snapped. She snorted.

"Well ya have a funny way of showing it!"

"Better than YOU do April O'Neil. At least when I leave, I tell my friends where I'm going." I snarled. She hung up. I rolled my eyes and jumped out of bed.

What a wonderful way to wake up, I thought sarcastically.

And it wasn't even the best part of my morning.

Ten minutes later, I got a call. From Casey.

"What do you want Jones?" I snapped. Sorry, but I really wasn't in a good mood.


"One, she started it. Two, mind you own f*cking business Jones!" He snarled.

"I was listening to the conversion! She did not start it, and you need to apologize." I snorted.

"In your April filled dreams." And with that, I hung up on my wonderful brother.

I got dressed, went downstairs, and ate the waffles Fred made for me. Then Mikito called. I groaned.

"If your calling to chew me out, then save it. I already have April mad at me, and I don't need you mad at me either." Mikito sighed.

"Look, I'm not mad. But what you said really hurt April."

"But it's TRUE!!" I exclaimed. She sighed once again.

"Yes, it is. But you don't have to tell her that the way you did." I sighed.

"Whatever Mikito." I hung up and sighed.

"Are you okay miss?" Fred asked. I sighed.

"No, I'm not. So far, this has been the worst day."

And it only got better.

When I got to school, I got chewed out by Donnie AND Casey. I dealt with that by telling nicely to f*ck off.

Then Josh came around.

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