Chapter nine: Nicky and Casey

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Chapter nine:


Nicky stormed out of the lair, and Leo went to mediate. Which only left Raph, Mikey and stick master to question. So, I did. Question I mean.

"Yo, dudes, what was that about?" They all looked nervously at each other.

"Well? I'm waiting?" Raph sighed.

"When Leo sent you and April back to the lair? Cause we found some Kraang and foot and we wanted to keep April safe? Well, it turns out that the Kraang and Karai wanted her and Mikito to do some science stuff with." I frowned.

"What ya sayin?" Raph cleared his throat.

"Well, they wanted to mutate them." I frowned as the pieces came together. So that turtle........was Mikito!?

"That means........." I said, pointing at Mikito. Mr. Stick Master nodded.

"That means this is Mikito." He finished, going back to his computer.

"But what about Nicky?" Raph looked at Donnie-boy who shrugged.

"I don't know about Nicky and I won't know until I can do some tests on her. But, until then, I can't help Nicky." I frowned at my sisters stubbornness. Then again, it does run in the family.

"Why don't you talk to her Casey? I mean, you are her brother." Leo said, walking into the lab. I winched.

"What's wrong bro?" Raph asked. I sighed not really knowing how to explain my relationship with my sister.

"Casey and Nicky get along about as well as Raph and Leo do." I shot April and grateful look. She smiled in response.

"So, in other words, you and Nicky don't get along at all." Mr.-Aprils-all-mine summed up. Leo frowned.

"Hey! Me and Raph get along fine!" Mikey snorted.

"Uh....when dude?" Leo glared at him while the rest of us snickered.

"It's still worth a try Casey." April said. I sighed.

"Fine. I'll go to Nicky's house and...."

"Hold up. You two don't even live in the same house?!" I looked at Leo and nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why would we?"

"Uh...because! Your both underage, your brother and sister, not to mention TWINS, and I'm pretty sure you guys are the only family you have left." I shook my head.

"We have our cousin Barbara." Leo frowned.

"My point still stands!" I groaned in frustration.

"Look, me and Nicky couldn't stand each other alrigh'? Now get off my case about it!" I said, as I walked out the "lab" and slammed the door.



"Stupid turtles.......think they know everything......stupid Leo.......we can't he get that we don't like each other?! Stupid, stupid, stupid." I muttered, as I walked up the stairs of my sisters house. Well, mansion really.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Master Jones what are you doing here?"

"Hey Fred. I just wanted to speak to my sister. Is she home?" The butler nodded.

"She went upstairs to her room." I nodded.


"Any time sir." I walked past the giant living room and up the stairs. If memory served my correctly, then Nicky's room should be the last one down the hallway.......

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