Chapter eight: (no idea what to name this chapter)

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  • Dedicated to @Leonardofangirl and @Raphsgirl1399

Chapter eight:


The pain that started right after I passed out was unbearable. Like a hundred little knives stabbing into me at once, only they were stabbing in my head.

Passing out and still feeling pain sucked. Normally your body passes out form shock or some sort of dizziness, through I should have passed out from the pain, not pass out and still feel it.

Okay, that sounded a little too smart for my liking.

But that wasn't even the worse part.

I was hearing things.

Well, not things. They were more like.....thoughts. I think.

'I hope she's okay. And that she won't freak out when she wakes up.'

'We need to get her to my lab quick so I can run some test on her and Mikito....'

'Dude, why can't Leo drive faster?!'

'Fearless better move his shell so Donnie can figure out why the shell Nicky didn't mutate like Mikito did.'

Mutate? What in the name of could he mean?!

Wait. Did I just say shell?

'I better tell Leo that his girlfriend is stirring.'

Girlfriend? Me? And Leo?

There was some mumbling after that, but I couldn't make out what it was.....

'I can't believe Raph still thinks that Nicky will fall for me. Like she'd love a freak like me.'

Freak? Him? Raph, or Casey I would get, but Leo's like, one of the most normal people I know.

Wait. Leo? As in, cute goody two-shoes Leo? Aprils friend Leo?

'Oh good, we're almost home. That means I can run test on Nicky and Mikito, but mainly Nicky. Why didn't she mutate? Is she a mutant like April? Hm...I wonder....'

Did he just say a mutant like April?

There was some more mumbling and I felt myself get picked up and brought to.........uh....somewhere.

'Dudes, either Donnie's lab has to be closer, or we should have taken the back way in.'

So it's Donnie's lab.......but how do I know all this? They're not saying it out loud, so does that mean I'm........reading their thoughts?!

I forced my eyes to open. Everything was blurry and I couldn't see anything. Only the colors green and blue.

'She can't wake up now! If she wakes up now, she finds out our secret!'

"What secret?" In result of me speaking, I was dropped on the ground.

'Dang it Leo! You rescue a girl, then you drop her. Nice going!' I snorted.

"Yea, that wasn't very smart of you." I stood up, stretched, and looked around. I think I was in..........the sewers?!

"Where the shell am I....." I spun around to see turtles. I am not kidding. Green, giant, mutant, turtles.

'Maybe if I give her a sedative then put our disguises on she'll think this is all a dream.' I glared at the turtle with the purple bandana. Donatello......Donnie.....Aprils Donnie.

"Shell no! Why would I think this is just some whacked up dream!?!" The rest of the turtles frowned and looked at Donnie.

'How is it she knew what I was thinking?'

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