Chapter five: Goody Two-shoes

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Chapter five:


She doesn't have a boyfriend. Eek!!

Wait, did I just sound like a fan girl right there?

Hold on. How do I know what a fan girl sounds like?

Never mind. She doesn't have a boyfriend!! That's the bright side. The downside is she's Casey's sister.

"Hey Fearless. I was askin' ya a question." I snapped back down to earth and turned to look at Raph.

"I'm sorry what?" He rolled his eyes.

"I was askin ya if you liked Nicky. But I guess that question already answer it's self." I glared at Raph. He can't know about my crush on Nicky. He'll tell Casey! And then Casey would hurt me, for liking his sister!

"I don't have a crush on Nicky Raph." He snickered.

"You sound like Donnie when he's talkin bout April." I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't Raph." I wanted so badly to smack that smirk off his face.

"Whatever ya say Fearless. Let me know when she falls head over heels for ya in your next class." He said, as he walked down the opposite hallway. I quickly checked my list. I DID have my next class with Nicky. It was Study Hall. Well, music for her.

I glared in the direction Raph just went and made my way to Study Hall.

I was gonna prove that I DIDNT have a crush on Nicky. Even through I do. (-.-)



With Donnie falling head over shell for April, and Fearless's new crush on Nicky, I swear I'm gonna get a headache from all this love-dovey stuff.

And if Mikey starts fallin' for a girl, I swear I'm gonna.....

"Watch it!" I looked up to the cheerleader lady who just bumped into me.

"You watch it." I retold. And bunch of people ooooooed in the background. The lady scoffed.

"Do you know, who I am?" I shrugged.

"Look lady, I don't know who the shell you are, and I don't really care either." She glared at me.

"I'm Mona Lisa." I raised an eyebrow.

"And I'm supposed to care because........." She frowned.

"You must be related to that boy........the one with blue hair....." I rolled my eyes.

"Ya mean Leo? Yea, I'm his brother."

"Well I hope you and you brother learn to respect me." I snorted.

"Respect? You? Sweetheart, if you want respect, your barkin' up the wrong tur...boy." I slapped myself mentally. I almost said turtle. Damit!

Thankfully, Mona didn't notice.

"Whatever. Just watch where your going, or I'm gonna send my boyfriend on you." I looked at her and burst out laughing.

"Your........gonna......send.......your......boyfriend on me?" I wheezed. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes! I am!! And he's a football jock, along with captain of the wrestling team." I snorted.

"Lady, that, doesn't scare me. I could take you "boyfriend" in seconds. Now, if you excuse me, I have class I should get to." I shoved her out of the way and made my way to Social Studies.

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