Chapter seven: I wish i could remove it from my mind (part two)

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Chapter seven:


The world was black.....

And cold........


And cold.....

Then there was light........

And the!

I jolted up to see myself in a cell type thingy. Sort of like a box cell.

I can't really describe the cell, but it had a lot of pink.

"Great. I'm in a cell and it just had to be pink." I muttered to myself. I heard a groan behind me and I spun around.

"Mikito!!" I cried, running over to my unconscious friend. She groaned in response. I sighed and walked over to the glass, seeing those same robot brain thingies that attacked me, walking around.

"I wonder what these things are....."

"I think they're called Kraang." I turned to see Mikito awake, rubbing her head.

"Mikito!!" I hugged my friend. She smiled.

"Hey Nick." I smirked at my nicknames nickname.

"Wazzup?" She shrugged.

"You know, just the usual. Attacked by an alien race and brought to their hideout. No biggie." I laughed, despite the situation at hand.

She sighed.

"Ya think we'll ever get out?" I sighed and walked back up to the glass.

"Don't worry Mikito. We'll get out. I promise."

If only I had promised for us to get out still human.


Rewind to this morning



Okay, before you ask, I am NOT fine.

My wonderful brother Raphael, never came home last night. But, because we went on patrol, I just happen to know that he got jumped by josh (he was the boy who attacked him) and some purple dragons in an ally way. In result, I'm pretty sure Raph has a broken wrist (or is it arm?) and every time we tried to help him, he tells us ever so nicely to go away.

Do I seem fine to you?

And on TOP of that, Raph STILL hasn't come home, April and Nicky are in a fight, and Donnie and Casey are agreeing on something. Unfortunately, that something is killing Nicky as soon as they see her.

Oh, yea and someone gave Mikey coffee. As if I didn't already have enough problems on my hands.

"Mikey, CALM DOWN!! Donnie, PUT YOUR BO STAFF AWAY!!! Casey, GIVE ME MY KATANA BACK!!! And has anyone seen, or heard from Raph?!" Everyone shook their heads. I sighed. Where could that hothead be?!

"Dudes! Dudes! Dudes! Dudes! Come on! Come on! Come on! We're gonna be late!!!" I sighed and grabbed my school bag.

"Let's go guys. Maybe we'll see Raph at school."



I didn't see Raph at school. Not in Math, or Social Studies. I did see Nicky, and she didn't look happy, so I didn't say anything.

According to Donnie, he and Casey went to talk to her this morning, and she "politely" told them to f*ck off.

I had a feeling they yelled at her, not talked to her.

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