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Cris walks into Grayscn's office and closes the door behind him. "We're meeting with the Mayor tomorrow about these new homes we're planning to build. Have you been going over your stuff?" Cris questions.

"Yes I have." Grayscn stops typing.

"You've still been keeping an eye on my daughter as well making sure she isn't doing anything I would flip about right?" The test came back that she is in fact his.

"Yes sir. She's been great."

"Good. Has she tried to get to know your whole life story?" Cris asks.

Grayscn nods. "I told her about us staying with our Aunt and Uncle.. You know, the GOOD stuff."

"Good. You're doing very well Hastings. Who ever would have thought that you would be so good at this?" Cris sits down in a chair.

"You sir."

Cris nods. "That's right. So your brother.. He's good being a defense attorney? I can always use a helping hand."

"He's fine where he is. He loves it."

Cris nods. "Alright. I was just making sure. How have you been?"

Grayscn nods his head. "I'm good."

"Okay. You know to come to me if you have a problem."

Grayscn nods.

"Hey, Mr-... Dad, hey." Jai-Vonna looks at Cris.

"Hey baby girl. How has your day been?" He walks over to Jai and hugs her. "I'm great."


"That's good." My dad kisses my forehead. I look at Grayscn and he looks down at his computer keyboard and starts typing.

"Grayscn i'm out." He says before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

"What did he want?" I ask.

"Just checking on some things. Why are you so late?" He asks me.

"I was in LA."

"Why?" He stands up and comes to the front of his desk. He observes me. "Whatever it is it looks like you had a good time."

"It was alright."

"Did you see little boy while you was there or no?"


"Good. He's not shit and never will be. Don't go back to him again."

I smile. "Do you have something that will make  me not?" I ask walking over to him. I stand in between his legs. "Excuse me." He looks away from me. I move out of his way and he gets off of his desk. He grabs his coat and heads towards the door. "I will be back later, just finish that letter and then call Jilian Munroe and schedule a second meeting. Do you want me to pick you up anything on my way back?" He leans up against the door.

I can see him sweating.

"Do you not feel good?" I ask.

"I'm fine." He closes his eyes and nods. "I'll be back in half an hour." He leaves out of the door and I follow shortly behind him.

I follow him all the way to a small house that about ten minutes from the office. I park up the street. I watch him unlock the door and then come inside.

I go up to the door and I knock, the doorbell is broken.

He opens the door and looks down at me. He closes his eyes. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

I Bring Me {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now