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A month later..


"Adonis. Get your ass down here to this motherfuckin office, boy. Now!" I tell him. I am so livid. I hang up my phone and throw it down on the desk.

"Baby, calm down." A'Mirah tells me.

I turn to her and hold up my finger. "Don't you tell me to calm down."

She sits back and laughs. "Watch how you talk to me, Cristafano Luca Rondinelli."

My phone rings and I reach for it and answer it. "Ciao?" I answer.

"Mr. Rondonelli.. I got off the phone with your doctor in New York and he said that he will no longer be working with you. He also told you the biggest lie. Your cancer is NOT rapidly taking over your body. It is moving extremely slow. You are barley hanging on in the first stage. I will make room to operate on you as soon as you are ready so that I can remove your cancer completely."

I stare out of the window taking in everything my doctor is telling me. "Okay so why would he lie?"

"I don't know.. Maybe he was paid by someone to tell you that. He would not go into further details. He left it at what I told you."

"Okay. I will come in tomorrow.. Not for that, but to talk more about all of this. Va bene?"

"Fine with me. How does twelve in the evening sound?"

"Perfect." I tell him before hanging up.
I smile to myself.

This is some type of joke and motherfuckers really want to see me dead.

"Who was that?" A'Mirah asks me.

"My doctor." I leave at that when I see Adonis walk through my office doors. "Next time knock." I tell him.


Cris walks around his desk and he goes into his drawer and gets a cigar out and lights it. "Sit down." He motions Adonis to a chair and he sits down himself.

Adonis turns to me and nods.

Cris stands back up and shakes his head. "That's no way to greet your mother, boy." He sits in front of Adonis on the edge of his desk.

Adonis sits back in his seat with a "what am I doing here? I don't care about none of this" gesture.

"What in your nappy curly headed ass mind told you to sell one of my businesses when you don't even work for my fucking company?"

My husband is still so sexy when he is mad. I can just look at him all day.

Adonis doesn't answer Cris's question.

"You deaf now?" Cris asks.

"Man, don't you need to worry about your cancer or something? Ain't you dying? Shouldn't be worrying about me selling shit!" Adonis stands up and raises his voice. Something he shouldn't have done.

Cris stands up and back smacks Adonis. Adonis holds his cheek.
"Don't you ever disrespect me. Do you understand? As much as me, your mother, sister and brother does for you to stay on your feet you should treat me like a King, your mother a Queen, Heem a Prince and Jai the fucking Princess she is. I didn't choose her nickname to be Princepessa for nothing. Now you look at me!" Cris says.

"Hold." I stand. "You didn't tell him about your cancer." I say. He didn't. I know I have bad memory and memory loss, but I know for a fact he didn't tell Adonis and neither did I.

"She's right. So are you the dumb ass that had my doctor in New York tell me that my cancer is rapidly taking over my body?"

"Look. Get out of my face, dude."

I Bring Me {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now