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"This cancer seems to be rapidly taking over your body, Mr. Rondinelli. When were you diagnosed?" Dr. Swans asks.

I notice Cris glace up at me and put his head down. He runs his hands down his face and sighs. "Uhh. A little over a year ago is when I found out."

"I thought we just found out together last month?" I ask confused.

Cris shakes his head. "I didn't want to str-"

I walk out of the room. I can't listen to him right now. This breaks my heart.

I go sit in a nearby chair.

Stage 4 esophageal cancer.. And he found out over a year ago and couldn't tell me?

"A'Mirah." I hear him call my name. I turn and ignore him. I shake my head as tears continue falling down my face.

Cris bends down in front of me. "A'Mirah, i'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want you to be worried."

"Cris, i'm always worried about you. Why couldn't you have just told me?"

"I just told you why." He says. He stands up and reaches for my hand. "I'm not going back in there."

He shrugs. "You don't have to but the doctor told me that it's so bad that I can go at anytime."

"Are you even hurting at all?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No.. I just can't eat. That's why I haven't been losing all of this weight. That's why i've been saying no to chemo. It's too late. It was too late when I found out."

I sigh. "We have to tell the kids, Cris." I tell him. I know that he doesn't want to because he likes to keep things to himself, what would be the point of him not telling his own children?

"We can invite them to church when we get back and we will announce it there."

"Absolutely not. Why at church? I will not let everyone in the world know what's going on. This is private, a family matter, Cris."

"We will tell them after the New Year then."

"But what if it's too late?"

"I'm not going anywhere. These doctors can not tell me when I can and will die. That's Al up to God baby.. You know that."


"If you say anything I will kill all of them and you." He kisses my neck and rubs my private area.

"Please stop." I whisper, crying. He stops. "Turn over and take your little ass to sleep." He says angrily. I pull my covers over me and turn under them so that I'm laying on my stomach.

The cover comes off of my body and he yanks me by my hair and I fly over to the dresser.

I cry harder, I don't scream. I'm used to this, it doesn't hurt that bad anymore.

He walks over to me and picks me up... Like he always does. He bounces me on his hip. I lay my head on his shoulder as I have each time this has happened.

I hear Nana open her door. I raise my head and see her rubbing her eyes. "Did she fall again?"

"Yes." He answers her. "Her head is bleeding I'm about to clean it up, ma. Go back to bed." He tells her. She turns around and closes her door. He takes me into the bathroom and closes the door.

He walks me over to the toilet and sits me on it. He goes into the medicine cabinet and grabs the a broken razor.

"Come on, same thing as usual.. Just you doing it yourself this time.. You're eight. Be a big girl."

I Bring Me {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now