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"How you doin', Boy?" Tim walks over to Jai-Vonna and Grayscn's table.

Grayscn closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "This is a little pretty young thing right here. Who is this one?" Tim asks. Grayscn opens his eyes and he looks at Jai-Vonna who is confused. Her face shows it.

"This is my friend." Grayscn answers.

"Nice to meet you, My Friend." Tim smiles at Jai-Vonna. "You gonna say hello to your Aunt? I mean you hardly said four words to me." Kate steps beside him. Tim travels his hand up her back to the back of her neck and squeezes.

It's them! Jai-Vonna clears her throat. "Excuse me." She stand up from the table and goes to the bathroom. "What the fuck is going on? His Uncle and Aunt was snooping in th-

She stops once the bathroom doors open. "Hello." Kate smiles at her. Jai-Vonna observes the short brunette woman. "Hi." Jai was towards the door. "You are very pretty. Are you and my nephew together or is he just fucking you?" She asks with a smile. Jai-Vonna furrows her eyes brows. The bathroom door opens quickly and Grayscn walks in.

"Grayscn!" Kate exclaims.  "You can't be in here. This is the ladies bathroom."

"Yeah. Ladies, so why are you in here?" He grabs Jai's wrist and marches out of the restaurant.

"What is going on?" Jai-Vonna asks.

"They are bad news, Princess." He looks around.

As Grayscn and Jai-Vonna walk down the trail Jai-Vonna starts talking. "You said that I can trust you, right?" She asks Grayscn.

"Yeah, babe." He pulls her closer to him. "Why?"

"I want to tell you something that i've never told anyone.. But I don't want you to think less of me."

"I promise I won't."

Jai-Vonna points to a nearby bench and she leads Grayscn to it and they sit. "I lost my virginity when I was five."

Grayscn looks down and furrows his eyebrows.

"Maybe even before that. I just re-"

"What are you trying to tell me, Jai?" Grayscn asks calmly.

"I was abused and raped when I was a little girl."

"Who did this to you?" He asks.

"It doesn't matter any-"

"It Does Matter!" He shouts and tries to cover his anger by laughing. "I'm sorry, but it does matter."

"He's dangerous though, Grayscn and both of them tog-"

"Do you not know who your father is? If not just say the word and I will enlighten you. Who was it? Was it one of your brothers? I swear on my li-"

"It was my Uncle and Aunt. My moms brother and dad's sister."

"Well how did that even get into play. Your parents hate their siblings."

"When we were younger and our parents had to go on business trips we would fly out to New York and stay with our mother's moms house because they thought that us staying with family instead of a nanny would be better." Jai starts.

"It would be late at night, early morning when everyone would be asleep. He used his fingers when I was really small.He would rub me and then he would stick them inside of me. One time he tore me open down there from him forcing himself inside of me and giving me a few little thrusts." She shakes her head.

"He would be rough depending on if he was high and drunk. He would throw me across the room and then lie to my grandmother when she would wake up after hearing my body hit the floor. He would just tell her to go back to bed and that I fell out of bed and hit my head. So she left it and he would take me into the bathroom and at first he would guide me to cut into my legs. It took the pain from everything else away and I liked it. When I got older he told me to do it myself, when I got older is when he really got a hold to me and fucked me and Adonis walked in one time and he never said anything. I had always hoped someone would just walk in and catch him, and be my hero because that way I didn't have to tell anyone and put anyone's life in danger. I thought my big brother was going to be my hero, but he just watched and then he left and closed the door. I never heard anyone speak a word about it. I knew then that Adonis and RaiQuan had something up their sleeves together. Now look at them like father and son." Jai-Vonna cries.

"You know." She starts up again. "My fathers sister wanted me dead. She tried to drown me a few times, but RaiQuan helped me live." She shrugs.

"It's like he had some type of sick and weird obsession with me and it was weird and I hated him for it, but I liked it and I didn't know any better. You know something you go through from the time you are a little kid and your family member tells you not to tell, you trust them and you feel what they are doing is right. You want to know something else that's fucked up on my behalf Grayscn?" He pulls her close and holds her with tears welling in his eyes.

"What's fucked up is I hate him even more because I grew a feeling about three years ago is that he forgot about me and replaced me with Adonis. Like Adonis matters and I don't. I'm so stupid and I hate myself so much!" She bawled. "I'm so stupid!"

Grayscn rubs her head. "No you're not, no you're not." He comfort her.

Grayscn watches Tim and Kate smoothly walk past him and Jai sitting on the bench. Tim points his middle and index finger at his own eyes and then points them at Grayscn letting him know that he's watching him. Kate hold up her fingers and aims them at Jai-Vonna and then holds them to her lips as if she was blowing steam from a gun.

Grayscn nods. He wants to tell Jai, but maybe it would be good to let her calm down from her own situation.

I'm going to kill RaiQuan and beat the fuck out of Adonis.

"Babe.. How about we tell your d-"

"No! No. You can't tell anyone, Grayscn. He sai-"

Grayscn stands up and holds his hands up. "I don't care what he said. Your uncle is a piece of shit and I hope to God you don't think he is getting away with this. Want to know something? Your father is a Mafia leader. Tell me you haven't heard rumors."

"I have, i've heard that he's done a lot."

"Believe it. I know, I was there for most of it." Grayscn shakes his head.

"How?" Jai-Vonna stands up. "You met my father just this year. The things that I heard he's done happened before I was born and when I was a young girl."

"I didn't just meet your father, Jai and I haven't been completely honest with you, I don't want you to hate me, but if I don't tell you about my past it's going to blow up in both of our faces and i've been trying to keep you away from everything."

"Well enlighten me. I know for damn sure it can't be worse than what I heard about my father! What are you not really who you say you are? This isn't your real identity?" She questions.

Grayscn holds his head low and shakes his head.

I Bring Me {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now