Chapter 1 - Macy Divado

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*Macy's P.O.V*

Slut, Racist, Lesbian, Fat, Loser.

These are just some of the names I'm called. The rest I'd rather not repeat, I'd rather not think about them either. But, no matter how much I try, I can't stop thinking about them.


Nobody has ever worried for me, nobody has ever talked to me, Nobody has ever sat with me at lunch.


I don't have any. I see everybody else with their groups, but I guess I'm just a group of my own. My own solo group.

Macy Divado.

That's me. I'm the Invisible. The unwanted. Nobody has ever bothered with me. I don't know why, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just a normal, 18 year old girl. I blush when Im embarrassed, I scream when I'm scared, smile when happy. Nothing's wrong. I just got chosen to be ignored. It's not something I intended to happen, but then again, what is? High school has ruined my life.

The People.

The Stress

The Teachers.

The Food. (Oh, the terrible, gross food)

All of it, it ruined my life. I've always been the shy one, but nobody knows that now. Nobody will. nobody cares. I just wish I could be normal, one of the people with friends who care for them. One of them.

"Macy Divado?" I look up from my paper.

"Yes Ms.F?" I ask quietly, my voice cracks. The class laughs. I don't get what's so funny. Maybe they're just laughing at me. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention to class.

"Mr. Nace would like to see you in his office please." I nodded and left the room towards the principal's office. I walked down halls filled with pictures of Sportsmanship and Determination. I smiled at my favorite painting.

'The past is the present and the past is our old future.'

I just loved that painting. It said so much, although almost nobody understands it. As I reach the Principal's door, it flings open.

"You may come in Miss Divado." I walk inside and take a seat next to Mr. Nace's desk.

"May I ask why I'm here?" I haven't done anything wrong. I had no reason to. I don't want the attention.

"Have you been in the teachers lounge lately?"

"No sir."

"Then how do you explain this?" Mr. Nace pulled out a paper with a banner on it.


Really? Worst prank ever! If your going to humiliate me, at least try. This, my friend, is pathetic.

"That wasn't me." I confirmed.

"Then who else would it be?" Dumb Question. Isn't it obvious?

"Bobby Donner." Yup.

"He's a straight A student, he doesn't bully." That is not a good enough explanation sir.

"With all due respect sir, he does. I'm his victim actually." Why did I say that? I get pissed off too easily.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have any proof that he did it." Excuse me???

"Sir, you don't have any proof that I did this either." BOOM.

"Sorry, but this will cost you detention."

(Refrain, High School ruined my life. No no, my PRINCIPAL IS RUINING MY LIFE.)

"Sir, how could you make me do my time if I didn't do the crime?" He sighed and wrote down on his detention slip. I took it and burst out of the room.

I do have proof that he bullied me. Look at my arms.

The cuts. The dried blood. The pain.

Most of this was from Bobby. The kid has problems.

Some of this was about my dad. He didn't do anything wrong, It's what happened to him that made me cut.

My dad died 3 years back, it was a very emotional time. Before I knew it I was in full on tears. My dad was a wonderful person. I could hardly stand thinking about him though. It makes me too, insecure.

I heard the school bells ring and I rushed out the school doors. I thought this was the end of me. I couldn't stand being alone anymore. I couldn't stand being called a two faced freak anymore. I wanted my dad. I wanted friends. I wanted a happily ever after.

But none of this was going to happen, was it?

No, not for Macy. Not for me.

The unwanted.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get to the part where she meets Troy! And I needed to get a chapter up so... Yeah. I'll start working on Chapter two! Bye!

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