Chapter 5 - Head over Sneakers

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*Macy's POV*

Troy has been acting quite funny lately. He's been staring me, frequently.

Very frequently.

It's starting to freak me out. He's been stuttering, and has been sweaty and nervous when he's around me. He's making me nervous. Did I do something? That can't be it. I might as well ask him... Or... Nope. No deniable thoughts!

"Hey, Troy?"


"You've been acting weird today, you okay?" He got oddly pale and opened the door to his car.

"Y-Yeah..."He quickly got into his car and drove away. Weird. I decided to text him since he won't talk. 

Hey Troy, what's up? You've been acting sorta weird lately. You okay? Well, I live on Oulsin Street if you wanna talk. Bye! ;) Xx Macy

I sent him the text and turned off my phone. As I hopped into my car, a ding went off.

Hey Macy, Have I been acting weird? I'm okay... I guess. I think I'll take you up on that offer. Thanks! :) Xx Troy

I sighed and drove home listening to Ed Sheeran's 'The A Team'.  As I drove into the driveway of my house, a thought went through my head.

What am I going to tell mom?

*Troy's POV*

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Macy said my name.

"Hey, Troy?"

"Yeah?" I wonder what this is about.

"You've been acting weird today, you okay?"  Should I tell her? Better not.

"Y-Yeah." Oh god. I stuttered! "Idiot!" I muttered to myself as I got into my car and drove away. I turned on 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran and immediately calmed down. I sighed louder than I expected and continued the twenty minute Drive home.

*Macy's POV*


As I drove into the driveway of my house, a thought went through my head.

What am I going to tell mom?

I slowly opened the car door and walked up to the front door. Here it goes. I open the door to my house, step in.

"Where have you been young lady?" My mother stands on the other side of the room.

"Erm... Some...where?" I sounded way too unconvincing for my mom to believe.

"I said, where have you been? Your sister and I have been worried sick about you! We thought you were gone, just like your father! I CAN'T GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN!" She immediately burst into a fit of tears, resulting in hot tears running down my face too.

"I can't go through it again either mom, loosing dad was also hard for me. I'm sorry." I hugged her tightly. It must be hard loosing the person you love the most then thinking you also lost your daughter.

"No, I'm sorry."


"No no, Macy, your 16. I should trust you. I just was scared after-..." I rubbed her back.

"It's okay mom, you don't have to finish. It's all okay." She nodded and we say there together.

I don't think I'll ever forget this moment.

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