Chapter 10 - "You cut?"

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*Macy's POV*

After Troy being all cool with me being pregnant, I simply knew he was going to be a great father. Any other guy would've probably gotten mad, or scared, or some other emotion to make me feel bad, but Troy was calm.

That's a first.

I haven't ever dated a guy before, but earlier, in Primary School, a guy flirted with me. He asked me out to this fifth grade dance, but it was all just a joke. When we got there, in the middle of the slow dance, his Friends poured the punch bowl on me. #Devastated.

Amanda keep rambling on and on about Teenage Pregnancy and food cravings and- so much stuff that I haven't even learned in health class yet. I felt my stomach and rubbed it.

"You might throw up, feel sick or be tired over the next few days. We'll find you two a place later. But first, Troy needs to find a job." Amanda handed Troy a piece of paper.

"These are jobs that you could get, I picked out interesting jobs that still pay well." I looked over at the piece of paper, knowing exactly which job Troy would pick.

"I'll work as a chef at Benihana." Called it! Troy was a big fan of Benihana, and always wanted to be a chef there, now he gets to skip school and live his dream! I just get to live the dream of skipping school, which is still awesome! Wait, School. I forgot to go to Detention that day where Mr. Nace found the banner! Well, I'm happy now that I don't have to go to school. 

"MACY!" I was snapped out of my thoughts as I turn towards Amanda.

"Yes?" I was actually having a good time blocking Amanda out. This Teen Pregnancy stuff is kinda boring.

"You okay, babe?" I turn towards Troy. He had a worried look on his face. "Macy, you said something during your little time-out there." Troy and Amanda looked at eachother and then Amanda looked at me once again.

"You cut?"

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