t w e l v e

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I sit on Micah's lap over looking the sunrise, he smokes a cigarette in one hand while the other rubs circles into my hip. I wear his black shirt over my bra and underwear but Micah decides to not follow the rules of a shirt and let his hands wander.

From the way Micah acted last night I believe his bipolar. He can be so rough and then so caring and it sorta does scare me. I like to believe he wouldn't take his anger out on me but that's something I can only wish for.

"We should go out for lunch," I suggest. "We didn't have much breakfast then we can go to the stores maybe and buy groceries. You don't have many things in you fridge."

"Cause I'm not always in the country," he crushes the bud of his cigarette in the tray before lighting his second one.

I frown, "are you going somewhere soon?" I ask. "Out the country?"

"Next week. Italy," he stops massaging my hip. "Come with me."

"I'll think about it," I reply looking at the cuts on his knuckles. I don't want him to go to Italy but do I want to go with him? I mean it would be great but I know Micah would go above and beyond for a probably short trip.

If Grace got offered a trip to Italy by someone as good looking as Micah she wouldn't take a second think about it. She'd be packing her bags ready for the trip in a minutes notice but that's the type of person who Grace is. I know things would happen with Micah if I did go, it's bound to.

But I take a second look at my religion, things I've lived by my whole life and know that's wrong and that I should tell Micah to take Grace with him not me. I couldn't imagine what my parents would say if they found out about Micah and if I ever defied my religion because of him.

"If you don't come I might die from missing you so much," he tells me. "A whole week without my pretty rose."

I blush stretching my legs and standing up, "I'm going to the shops to grab food. What do you want for dinner?"

"I'll come," he follows behind me. "We'll get lunch first."


Once I've unpacked the food in the fridge and empty shelves of Micah's kitchen I head back into his room. He lies on the on his bed smoking a cigarette while looking at his phone. "Come here," he motions his fingers towards him. 

"Mm?" I hop on the bed cross legged as he puts his phone down. I watch him put his cigarette on the ashtray. His fingers curl around the waistband of my legs tugging at them, I let him take them off and throw them to the side. Micah's finger tops graze along the inside of my thigh, I shiver watching him.

He pulls me onto him, positioning my legs either side of him. I shut my eyes touching his bare chest and taking a deep breathe. When I open my eyes his starring at me, he tugs at his black shirt I've worn all day. His hands drop behind my knees pulling me closer. I lift the top above my head laying it next to me.

His fingers touch my lips, trailing down to my collar bone. Shutting my eyes he dips his fingers under my bra making me gasp, "Micah.."

"Shh," he brings his hand to my chin gripping it. He gently pulls me down until our lips are touching. I melt into his body running my hands against his hard chest. I touch a piece of uneven skin on his abdomen, I wonder what it is. Micah leaves hot wet kisses down my neck, his hands groping down my body.

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