f i f t y s e v e n

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His eyes hold so many emotions, emotions I don't think I can even comprehend. I look down, letting my hair fall in front of my face. My voice comes out in a whisper, even though I didn't plan for it to, "I must look like a mess."

"Beautiful," Micah mumbles, "you mean."

Zara slides off Micah's legs, tugging his hand in the process. "Walk daddy? I.. Whant cookie!"

"Rose?" Micah asks, standing up.

"I think I need a coffee," I stand up, taking Zara's hand. "And who said you can have a cookie, missy?"

"Daddy?" Zara takes his hand.

Micah grins slipping on his coat before grabbing Zara's small hand again. "I never said that baby, and I think if mummy says no that means you can't have one."

Zara pouts her lips.

"Let's find a shop outside," I bend down to Zara's level, zipping up her jacket. "I think if you're good, you can have a cookie, okay?"

"Ye-es, mummy."

When the elevator opens, Zara skips through holding Micah's hand. Following in after I lean against the wall. Zara eagerly holds Micah's hand waiting for the door to open again.

Outside the hospital, I take a deep breathe of the fresh air.

Zara lets go of Micahs hand skipping ahead of us to pick up a leaf. My thin cardigan barely holds up against the icy wing.

Micah glances down at me before taking his coat off. Micah places it over my shoulders, I stare up at him for what seems like forever, before slipping my arms through the sleeves.

"Thank you," I whisper.

His tattoo covered arms are on show. I travel back to thoughts of what people would think of us, this man covered in tattoos by my side with a kid that looks like the girl version of her father. These people, this town, I've know my entire life would judge everything about this.

"Are you okay?" Micah asks.

I don't reply to his question, "there's a nice coffee shop down the road. I'm sure it'd still be there."

Micah's lips part but he doesn't say anything. I take Zara's hand walking down the way too familiar streets. Places I used to love, places I used to hate.

Zara has her arm wrapped around the body of her toy, she skips along the pavement beside me. I glance at Micah who has his hands in his pockets. This man has changed so much since I first knew him.

Standing in front of the small coffee shop, I take a deep breathe. Micah pushes the door open, letting Zara and I through. "Here," Micah pulls his coat down past my shoulders.

"Thank you," I smile. "I'll go order, what do you want?"

"Coffee, don't get add ins," Micah reaches into his pocket. He hands me his card, "get
whatever you want."

"Go sit."

Walking up to the counter, I look in the display case. "What would you like to order?" the person on the other side asks.

"Just a plain coffee and hot chocolate. I'll also take a cookie. Take away."

He puts my order into the computer, nodding. He quickly wraps my rolls and puts the cookie in a paper bag, "we'll bring your drinks over once their ready."

"Thank you," I grab the plate and the rolls.

Bringing them over I put the cookie in front of Zara who shoots up excitedly. "Tanks, Mummy," she picks up taking a huge bite.

Putting Micah's card on the table, I sit down on the chair opposite him. "I asked for take-away, I want to take Zara to a park."

Zara sits on Micah's lap, taking bits out of her cookie. "Not too much," I lean over, grabbing the cookie. "It's nearly bigger than you."

Breaking a piece off I hand it to her, "you can have the rest later, okay?"

It only takes the barista a few minutes to get our drinks done. He drops them off at our table before going back behind the counter. Standing up, I grab my drink, the heat warming my hands.

"It's not too far, we won't stay long since it is quite cold."

Micah holds his coat up again, I shake my head. "I'm fine, you use it," I sip my drink.

He shakes his head, moving behind me, "you're freezing."


"I thought Zara was the only one here who needed help putting jackets on."

Sighing, I slip my arms through the sleeves. I can smell Micah's after shave against the material, something to familiar yet foreign to me. Micah picks up Zara, I stare at the two, smiling. Something I saw so rarely from Micah.

We walk in silence to the park, it isn't a far walk but the second we get there Zara begs for Micah to put her down. Which he does, after teasing her for a minute.

Zara skips over to the playground, I smile shaking my head. "You never replied," Micah turns to me, "when I asked if you were okay."

"I never thought I'd be so hurt over the fact my father is in hospital, after the way they pushed me onto the street. I thought I could never forgive them yet here am I hurting so bad."

Micah lets out a breathe, looking at the floor between us.

"Hey, thank you for being here, Micah. I really needed someone."

The way he looks at me, makes my heart feel a thousand emotions. I never thought this man could make me feel so much love and hatred for him at the same time. I never thought I could feel so much at once for one person.

Micah nods, brushing my hair back with his fingers. Closing my eyes, I shake my head, "you always do that."

"You should have told me, I would have taken you here instead of my father."

"You should have told me you were leaving for two weeks," I look into his eyes. "It goes both ways Micah."

He stays silent for a moment, "deep in the shadows, these big scary monsters live. They want to hurt my princess, but no.. I vowed to kill everyone who even thinks of harming my child."

"Micah," I part my lips, breathing in the cool air.

His lips part, dropping his head. "I needed to protect you and Zara, but I couldn't say goodbye because if you knew the risk of me leaving, Rose.."

this. was. so. fucking. hard. to. write.

one more chapter babies and this is all over. my heart.

please keep voting on this story, it's one second of your time whereas i spend hours and days writing for you guys so it's just a little nice thing to do to press the vote button!!

my votes have drastically decreased from over 1000 to barely over 200 :(

also i need every single one of you to go head over and read chaotic which is also loosing readers and votes :((

yes shameless promo sksksks guy I still love you guys even if you don't vote (which sucks ya know but i still love ya) xx

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