t w e n t y

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"We'll definitely be visiting soon," dad kisses my cheek, "I miss my little girl."

"I'm not little anymore," I hug him goodbye. With Micah in my life, I don't want my parents to visit or me to visit them - I don't want to be away from the man, I physically can't. My mother pulls me into her arms, giving me a tight hug.

"Be a good girl, remember to call us."

"If I have time," I hug her back.

She sighs, "I expect it, Rose."

I watch them board the plane, my brother had left early in the morning so he got back in time for his job. I can't help but think that this trip, they found a whole new Rose, not the one they already new - the one they raised. I'm not that anymore. I don't even think they realised how much I've changed, they're oblivious to it.

Finding a seat, I decide to watch the plane take off. Micah asked if I he could pick me up after I dropped them off. He said he wanted to take me out, I haven't seen the man since the night at the warehouse, even if it was two days ago, I miss him.

I don't know what it is about Micah, how no matter where I am I can't seem to not think of him - he makes me go crazy and I hate it.

As my mind takes off into other places I barely catch the plane leaving, I only see the wheels rolling fast against the runway finding speed to fly into the air.

Quickly, I find myself outside when Micah messages saying he'll drive up to me. I stay on my toes ready to get out of the hectic zone of cars and people with luggage - a torture zone to me. I remember when I was little, maybe four or five, we'd just gotten back from visiting out grandparents and I got lost in this area and found myself hugging a police officer waiting for my parents, at that age I didn't know their number to find them and the one they write on my arm in my markers had been slightly scrubbed off that he couldn't make out he numbers.

I've hated this area in any airport since that day.

"Rosalie?" Someone calls, "Rose, is that you?"

I turn and find Josiah. He stands with a group, which I assume is his family. I touch my cheek, in all honest I don't want to talk to him.

"Rose, hey," he comes up to me, "it's been a while, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

"Pretty great," he grins. "What are you doing get here?"

I shrug, "my parents came to visit, just saying goodbye before they left."

"Wish we'd finally get a break, more and more tests and assessments are being given out."

I nod.

"I've even had to say no to my cousins wedding over in England," he sighs, "so much work that I can't get out off."


"Do you need a ride back to campus? I'm about to say bye, I can drive you."

I open my mouth ready to decline his offer until an arm wraps around my waist, lips touch my cheek - Micah.

"Did I miss saying bye to your parent?" He asks.

I bite my lip, "you're late."

"Sorry, babe. Work dealings."

His fingers press into my hips, I know his jealous seeing me with Josiah, it makes me smile how his arm is wrapped protectively around me. I look at Josiah, his face is red. I bite my lip to hold myself from laughing at this situation,

"We must be going," Micah says. Without another word he pulls my hand away from Josiah.

"You're the absolute worst," I hit his chest.

Micah King | ✓Where stories live. Discover now