t h i r t y t w o

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Micah stares at me from across the room. It makes me insecure, he doesn't hold back where his eyes sit, he wants me to know that he starring. I texted Grace through Micah's phone earlier, I had to tell her I was fine before she worried. I shut my eyes, putting my hands over my stomach - over my child.

"That day, when you came over and that other woman was there," Micah pauses, "my step-father threatened to kill you unless I did something to you, to hurt you, to push you away. You would have know that day, didn't you?"

"I found out that night, it was only after all the pain I realised, maybe missing my period was more than just stress more than just a late start."

This whole day makes me feel unwell, tired and scared. Micah's promises, his words make me feel uneasy. Does he really mean that? Is it the truth that he will stay and care for me, for our child.

Standing up I walk past Micah, looking for a glass in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Micah asks, turning towards me again, "were you planning on keeping my child away from me?"

"I know you don't want to have this life.. I don't want you to lie or pretend. I won't be upset if you decide not to help I just.. all I ask is if you can spare some of your riches for it, for education and needs."

"Why do you think I don't want this?" He asks abruptly, "you're assuming things that you don't know the truth."

"Was it ever in your life plan to have a child? To find.. love? To do anything other than follow down the path your father and step-father paved?"

"Your talking about my child here, Rose."

I shake my head, putting my hands on the counter. I can't think. My head hurts, it feels like someone threw a brick at me. "I don't feel well, I'm going to lay down for a while," I bite my lip, walking through the kitchen.

"You what?" Micah catches my wrist, pulling me into his body. "Do I need to take you to a hospital?"

"I'm fine," I shake my head, "I just need to lay down."

"Will you get upset at me if I follow you?" He asks, brushing my hair back. I shake my head, looking at his chest. Micah kisses my forehead, taking me into the bedroom. Nerves take over me as Micah helps me onto the bed, against his chest. I shut my eyes tracing his hand with my finger.

"I'm scared," I whisper.

"A few weeks before my mother died, she found out the gender of her second child, my step-fathers child. My mother, found out it was a girl and loved the name Zara."

"If its a girl we can call her Zara," I open my eyes, shifting my body to stare at him. "For your mother. I didn't want to know what it was.. originally I decided I wasn't going to keep it."

Micah stretches his hands over my stomach, a tear rolls down my cheek, every emotion and thing I did to keep this away from Micah hurts. If I knew.. I wouldn't have kept it from him. I wouldn't have struggled for 6 months, tearing Graces life away while I came crashing down.

"I'll let you rest," Micah slips out of the bed, finding his phone, "I have some things to do."

"Will you be here when I wake?"

"Of course."


The minute I wake I head hushed talking through the wall, I frown and rub my eyes. I put my hand over my stomach, scared and confused. Sitting up, I try to listen to the voice to decide if it's best for me to go out or stay hidden here until Micah comes in.

Getting up I find the door knob, slightly opening it. The minute the door clicks the conversation stops.

"Rose," Micah's voice comes through, "come, it's fine."

Stepping out I look at Micah and the man he talks to. Micah gestures his hand for me to come sit, I do, pulling myself beside him. "Rose, this is my friend, Alex. You can trust him."

"Angelo knows?" Alex asks.

Micah nods, "so does half the fucking world now."

"About me?" I ask, "And the.. the baby?"

Neither reply, I take their silence as confirmation.


this is the second to last chapter
so what y'all thinking?
will micah get his girl?
will rose even make it through the next chapter?

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