f o r t y t h r e e

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Zara goes down the slide, landing in the bark, but she still laughs, climbing up for another go. For the first time in forever I wear clothes that would cost more than the apartment- and so does Zara. The coat Micah gave me to wear is just like the one I worn for so many months, hiding Zara in my stomach.

The coat I wore when I told Micah I was pregnant. Sighing I watch Zara. With Micah around and safe I can't help but think of our past and how I find it hard to trust him after even after what he did to keep Zara safe- to keep me safe.

Zara skips to me, completely out of breathe, "Mummy, ater?"

"Of course baby, jut take a breathe," I nod, kneeling.

"Luv oo," she nods, taking her small water bottle from me. Zara gulps the water, drinking nearly half. "Tank mama."

"You really we're thirsty," I grin.

Zara skips back over the the playground. Staying away from the boy who now takes over the slide. She pouts, sitting in the bark chips and playing with them.

I can't help but smile.

"Excuse me, ma'am," a man steps beside me. Crossing his arms across his chest.

Glancing back at Zara I reply, "yes?"

"She's a cute one. My wife did love beautiful names, Zara. Micah remembers something about her, he truly was just a child."

"I don't know what your talking about," I step away, watching Zara climb up the steps. "Sorry, sir."

"Though I don't want to, if you move again I'll have to do something about it. Come back and smile, point out Zara and act like it's nothing."

Stepping back I do as he says. "What do you want from me?"

"You? Your my way to get to Micah. I need to talk to him, but I can't risk people finding out who I am."

"Before I can help you talk to Micah I need to know who you are."



"Ring any bells, Rosalie?"

"I thought you were dead."

"But I'm here, in the flesh and I do want to see my son again. I need to talk to him."

"You think he'll talk to you, you faked your death and left him with a monster who by the way tore him away from me- from my baby for more than two years. I'll save Micah the pain of being near you."

"Surely you understand-"

"I understand that both our parents would rather be dead than be with us. I won't let Zara go through that."

"Micah believes someone wants to hurt that precious princess over there," Alessio looks at her. "I agree with my son and I won't let anything happen to her. I just need time and your help to get my son."

Taking a deep breathe, Zara comes to my feet. "Mummy, play slide but boy.."

"Just wait your turn."

Zara crosses her arms, sitting on my feet. Sighing I pick her up, rocking her against me. Now a smile spreads across her face, kissing my collar bone. "If you can keep Zara safe, I trust you. But you can't go through me to get to Micah."

Alessio looks at Zara, "you and your daughter are the only two Micah keeps in his heart. Your the only two who can pass his demons."

Zara looks at Alessio, he smiles down at her. "I trust you to act like nothing happened. I'll keep in contact with you?"

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