f i f t y t h r e e

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Five days.

After all, maybe I was crazy. Maybe I should never have ever let him in again. Maybe I was wrong all along. Maybe if I could have stayed strong and fought everything that told me to let him in again I wouldn't be in this position.



With a kid crying who wants her dad.

Alessio comes down the stairs, taking Zara into his arms. "My princess, stop this crying, no one wants to see you like this."

"Rosalie," Alessio puts his hand on my shoulder. "Go have a rest. Shower. I'll take care of her."


"Go," He shakes his head. "I'll take her outside, go for a walk just relax."

"I can't relax."

Alessio sighs, "I'm sure whatever the reason is he isn't leaving you. I know he wouldn't do that. I see the love he holds in his eyes for you and this little one ."

I watch Alessio head outside. I didn't know what to believe anymore. He could be telling the truth, that he doesn't know where Micah is but knowing his position in this all - he must. Heading upstairs I sit on the bed, grabbing my phone. A missed call. My mouth opens, I don't know this number.

Something tells me to call it back, so I do. It rings four times before someone picks it up. "Hello? Rosalie?" My heart falls it isn't Micah.

"Yes. I'm sorry. Who is this?"

A long silent pause.

"It's your father."

"I don't know why your calling but-"

"I would like to catch up. I'm coming into town for a job. I have to pick something up. You're mother isn't coming with me."

Another long silent pause but this one, this one I create and I have no idea how to break. "I don't know when i'm free," my mouth moves, I honestly don't think it went through my brain what I said.

"I leave on Friday. Could you free time? For lunch maybe?"

"I guess. Sure."

"Thank you, Rose. I'll call you after."


Nine days.

Alessio wants to take Zara and I back to Italy, once I've finished my day with my father. He gave me that. But he doesn't even know what to expect - with Micah gone. If he will ever come back.

The cafe door opens, I turn and spot my father. His eyes scan the store until he lands on me. "Rosalie," he smiles quickly taking the seat across from me.

"Hi," I brush my hair back. "Sorry- I got her lunch already."

"Don't worry."

Zara looks over at him, furrowing her eyebrows while munching on spaghetti which is all over her face and clothes. I look at the ground, "why did you ask to be here?"

"You may think differently, but I still care about you. You are my first- and only daughter. I don't think I could unlove you."

"But my own mother can."

"She has her ways of thinking and-"

"It's a modern society. She needs to realise that. I'm glad I don't listen to what she thinks."

"Rosalie, Please."

"If you think I'll be easy on you because you wanted to see me- you are so wrong. You left me with completely nothing."

He sighs, rubbing his forehead. I sigh pulling Zara closer to me. "Nothing you ever can do will make me forgive you. Parents are meant to be there- no matter what happens and you didn't do that. Even if it was because of her, I can't forgive you."


"You need to know Rosalie," Alessio looks at me, "whatever Micah does- I will always be there. I want you to always come to me."

"Thank you," I whisper.

He sits beside me, letting Zara jump onto him, "I am one hundred percent serious, never doubt me on that. I'll make him suffer- I'll make sure he knows what I do for you and the part I will always play in her life."

I smile, shaking my head, "I appreciate it."

"No-no," Zara grins, hiding in between his suit jacket and chest. He grins back, looking down at her, ticking her sides. Zara thrashes around trying to get away from Alessio, while at a non stop giggle.

"You're crazy," he stops, instead attacking her with kisses. "But I love you."

"Do you mind me asking?" I speak
up, "Why you left Micah and your wife?"

He sighs letting Zara relax on him, "I was never a man who would put his life into something. My wife wanted to run away with Micah, I don't think he would remember- we tried but it didn't go well. My wife got hurt, for once I realised it was unsafe- she begged me and tried to tell me for years but I wouldn't listen."

He pauses to play with Zara for a moment.

"Micah said you were a drunk. That you hated him and Lavonne couldn't stand it."

"We weren't married when she feel pregnant. I was stupid and I didn't know what to do, I accepted it because I realised I loved the woman. Micah would have been eight when Lavonne and I made the decision to try and leave- leave this shit behind us. It didn't work word got out that our estate was unguarded. I talked to Lavonne I told her to protect Micah because I wouldn't be able to. Angelo Mercutio attacked us. He took them. I watched him take them and while pretending to be dead on the ground. She knew what she had to do to survive and keep Micah safe - pretend she loved the man. It wasn't long after word got out that she had died in a car explosion. Pregnant."

"Why would she tell her son all those bad things about you?"

"She did what she had to do to keep Micah safe for as long as she did. She had to pretend to despise my actions to gain Angelos trust."

His eyes fall on Zara who is completely relaxed in his lap. A small smile settles on his lips. I take a breathe before standing up, "I think I'm going to take a rest. How long until we land?"

"We'll wake you up," Alessio nods.

god i'm so sorry i took FOREVER to update but i've been watching netflix 24/7

alsoooo please vote and comment as they are slowly decreasing every chapter!!

ALSO can we talk about anne with an e- gilbert blythe mainly.

@sashalove31 thank you for the cover!

@sashalove31 thank you for the cover!

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