t w e n t y s i x

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Micah left me quietly and coldly in my dorm, exactly two weeks ago. I begged him to stay but all I got in return was a we'll talk soon with a look and kiss that said much different. I wasn't sure if it was to think if he was doing this for me or he was done-that I've become too much of a big deal too him.

"Are you kidding me?"Grace slams her laptop shut, "stupid, stupid, stupid. I would throw you out the window if I could."

"Calm down, what happened?"

"Half a page left and the whole essay got deleted, before I got to save the last page and a half I did tonight."

"Just don't go out tomorrow and you'll have it done by Monday."

"Or.. you could help me. You finished, right?"

"You're doing your own work, I'm not helping."

"You suck," she sticks her tongue out at me.

Shrugging I tear up another page of my notebook for no reason. Grace sighs, watching me before dropping her head back. "I hate college," she reopens her laptop, "lets drop out and live our life of the streets."

"That's a stupid idea, there's murderers and rapists on the streets and unless your plan is to die in a month and have no money.. personally I'd rather have all this stupid work."

"Says the girl who's on top of everything-all the time."

"I'm not," I sigh, "I failed two tests because I wasn't there and my professors won't let me re-take them and I just have to catch up."

"Why'd you want to re-take a test?" She laughs "I'd be so happy if I didn't need to take exams and tests."

"But you wouldn't be happy if the reason you didn't take them isn't around."

"His still gone?" She sighs. "It's only been five days, Rose, maybe he needs a few days or he forgot to text you his going away for a while."

I stare at the blank paper in front of me. It's not only five days. Five days or realisation hit me. I'm loosing so much by being around him, I've missed so much of class cause of him. His all I think around.

"I want to go out."

"What?" Grace frowns.

"To a party.. or something. Do something crazy."

"Crazy, let's jump off a building and hope something bad happens and we get let off all this work."

"You know all the clubs and bets places to have fun, please, Grace I need this tonight."

"Okay, fine. But whatever happens it's your fault."


My fingers close around the glass. The music gives me a headache but I use it to stop thinking of him. I've sat at the bar the entire night, but somehow I'm only on my third drink. I have no clue what I'm doing anymore. My finger traces a pattern on the wood as Grace stumbles into the stool beside me, nearly falling backwards.

"You need to get with a guy, not drink all night. Trust me tomorrow you'll be sick."

"I'm not waking up in a random persons bed."

Micah King | ✓Where stories live. Discover now