t w e n t y t h r e e

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I scribble notes I find on the internet into my book. My mind travels into hundreds of places at once, I don't remember the last time I studied this hard for so long. Despite the huge headache I have I push on to get all of it done. My professor is right, what has happened to me lately?

Not only do I think is my class notes I think of Christian. I can't help it. I want to know about the past him and Micah share. Why the hatred is between them. In their world, I'm a pawn on the chess board and Christian wants to strict my piece out,  take me from Micah and get whatever revenge his looking for.

Starring down at my work I see the unorganised, rushed mess I throw onto the page. "God, help me," I whisper. "My parents will disown me if I fail this semester."

They'd also disown you if they knew about your relationship with Micah.

Closing my eyes I decide to take a few minute break to clear my mind of everything and anything. Turn the page in my notes book I rule a clean page. Instead of scribbling down every word I take my time, slow and clean. Real notes and information now.

You can do this Rosalie. You have to.

I believe God has answered my prayers when my notes start to go well, back to the old me. I got classes all da tomorrow so I do need sleep, I glance at the time. Not too long, don't be tired for class. My dorm door opens, I spin on my chair, why, the minute that I get into my work I have to be interrupt.


He stands there.

"No," I shake my head, standing up, "No. No. No. No. You get out of here right now. I need to concentrate on my work not spend time with you, okay? I'm sorry Micah but please not tonight."

He grabs my waist pushing me into the wall.

"You can't just walk into my dorm, unannounced - not when I'm trying to do work!"

Micah grins ignoring every word I say. He brings my arms above my head, pinning them there. His lips touch mine, roughly and sudden. With his spare arm he circles it over my waist pulling me into his chest. "You said class yesterday," he growls in my ear, "not today."

"I have class everyday of the week," I stare at him, "which because of you I haven't attended for the longest time."

"I miss you," he kisses my jaw, "with your pretty little body walking around in my shirts and not much else underneath. Now, that turns me on, darling."

His words make me weak at the knees.

Micah kisses me on the lips again, he lets go of my hands bringing it down to my neck. I bring my arms around his neck, standing on my toes. Micah's lips trail down my jaw and neck, he bites down on the skin where my shoulder and neck meet.

"We shouldn't do this," I mumble, "I have things to do. You always have other things to do."

"Fuck everything either of us have to do," he grins looking down at me.

"I hate you, Micah."

"You don't."

I smile, "but I do."

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