t w e n t y e i g h t

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The weekend passed and I was more than glad to get back into my classes. I slip out of bed and get changed before Micah comes back upstairs. I think of how drastic my life has changed in the last few months of knowing Micah.

I'm a changed person and from my perspective, I can't tell if that's a good thing - or bad. I've been enlightened on things that I wish I didn't know about, I've seen things 8 wish I didn't. The only thing I don't wish to take back is everything I've felt with Micah.

I'm a crazy person for thinking it.

Maybe if I erased him I could go back to who I am - who I was. But there will always be that section of me, that can't. That part of me that maybe needs Micah to survive. I stare at the mirror, I wonder what my parents would think of me now.

I don't even call them, see them anymore. The last time I did was when they came around last. Sighing I wonder how the last few months would have panned out if Micah wasn't fin my life, or if the didn't save me that night.

He didn't know me, he could have left me for dead. But he didn't. He could have left me for dead again in that warehouse. Put behind all the harsh things about Micah, the things he says and does, he is a good man.

Tying my hair back into a ponytail, I head downstairs.

Micah talks to someone over the phone. I lean down, kissing him. "I have class to get to, I'll see you tonight?"

He nods, holding my chin in his fingers. Micah kisses me before letting me go. Quickly heading out I try to walk my fastest so I can get my from my dorm books and then walk to the other side of campus just to get to my first lecture of the week and still make the class without being late.

I watch the cars drive past, I watch the people drive past and I wonder if they can sense the type of person I am - read my life story just by how I look.

A black van slows down next to me, I glance at it before walking ahead. Checking the time I see I have 25 minutes before class starts and at least a 10 minute walk until my dorm room.

I turn, as two men hop out of the black van, walking beside each other, their shoulders touching. Turning, I think how strange that is. I hear them coming closer, their footsteps louder.

Then I feel some hard hit the back of my head.


My eyes blink open, the bright light makes me quickly shut my eyelids again. Touching the back of my head I groan, bringing my hand in front of my face and opening my eyes. The first thing I see is blood. Sitting up, I realise how much my head hurts.

"Ah, she's awake, it's been quite a while now, hasn't it?"

I look around, seeing the blurry figures. For a moment I wonder if I'm in a hospital and I've lost my memory. My second thought is that everything was a dream, that I'm back at home - never gone to college.

But the voice. The sickly familiar voice.

A napkin is dropped onto my lap, I quickly bring it to the back of my head, covering the bleeding. It takes a few seconds but everything comes into focus, I look around, a large chandelier hanging in the hall. The fancy couch that I've bleed on.

The figure, sitting by the fire place is now recognisable.


"I need-" I groan, "a Doctor."

"Your fine," he sips alcohol from his glass.

"What do you want from me?"

"You?" He moves to the couch beside me, I move back only wishing I could stay away from him, "from you, I want nothing.. I'll admit your just an innocent pawn in the game, what I plan to do to Micah."

"If I was nothing to you, I wouldn't be here."

"Your my leverage. Having you, Micah will instantly come when I want him to know where you are and at the moment, I don't want him to know where you are."

"Your despicable," I stand up. "What do you want from home? Money?"

"Payback. I want his death in my hands."

"He'll kill you before you get the chance to hurt him."

"He won't attempt to hurt me or my allies when I'm holding you by your neck with a gun against your fucking forehead."

I step back, glancing around for a door or any sort of weapon. Christian laughs, "whatever your looking for, something to hurt me with. There's nothing you can do, nothing worse than what Micah has done."

"What did he do to you? This evil in you.. it can't have been brought out by what one man has done to you."

"You mustn't know Micah as well as everyone thinks you do."

"What you and others think is nothing to me. I don't care."

"I was married. My wife, she was pregnant with a little girl. I gave up this life for her, for my soon to be child. But Micah, he couldn't forgot deals I made to him, money I owed to him. I begged him to keep the life of my wife and child, that he could take me instead nd only me."

I blink my eyes shut, turning away.

"He put a bullet through her stomach, he watched her bleed out, beg for her life. He made me watch what he did-"

"Stop," I shout, "stop. Okay?"

"I want revenge, I want Payback."

"With me? I'm not pregnant you won't get anything from me."

"I don't want you to die, you've done nothing to me. I want Micah dead. Not you. Your the way I get Micah here."


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