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Grace and I eat take out Chinese food on the floor, she asks about Micah but I don't say much, there isn't much to say at all about him. One minute his kissing me, the next his not talking to me and then his angry when I tell him I have to go because I have school.

I lean against my bed sighing. Grace stands up, "I probably should be going, I have a test tomorrow which I need to study for."

Why would she leave it till the night before to study? She won't remember anything for tomorrow unless her mind just happens to work a whole lot differently to mine. I clean up the Chinese food and put the boxes back in the bag before I head out to throw it in the trash. It's cold out, I didn't grab a jacket.

I find a bin that's near, we aren't allowed to put food scraps in dorm building bins as no one collects them as often. Stupid, I say.

I put my rubbish in the bin. I take a moment to relax and think of my priorities, school. Slowly, I walk back to the building, I shouldn't probably get some homework done before it gets too late.


I'm tired, I stayed up too late doing homework I regret it all now. In class I struggle to take notes and answer the questions on the sheet we got handed. Mostly I think about Micah and yesterday. I can't get him off my mind no matter how hard I try.

Class comes to an end.

Everyone packs there thins and rushes out for their next classes or their beds.

Sadly, mine is my next class.

I look up and quick to realise mine isn't my next class. Micah leans against my fork building with a cigarette. He kicks the gravel on the ground, I head towards him. "Micah," I cross my arms, I don't want to be further distracted by him.

He kisses me before stepping back and bringing his cigarette to his lips. "I love kissing you," he grins.

I look around, "I have class. I'll see you later?"

"But I'm bored," he tells me.

"And I have class, find someone else to make you not bored anymore," I touch my lips. I can't let him distract me from my classes, I'm going to be late.

"But you know that I want you."

His tongue flicks across his lips before he kisses me again hard his hands around my waist. I hug my books. Micah's lips move against mine. I'd forgotten from yesterday the feeling of his lips, soft but rough and it makes me go crazy. He grips my waist kissing down my jaw, I open my eyes and shuffle in my spot.

"Did I make you late for class?" He asks.

I nod but I still have time to get there.

"Good," he grins. "Met me at my car."

I sit in Micah's car. He doesn't say anything, neither do I. I wish I stayed for class but I lied for this man. "Where are we going?" I finally ask.

"To mine," he looks at me.

I nod holding my cross necklace. I wonder why I trust this man so much when I know I really shouldn't, when I know in the end it will just be me hurt. He won't hurt over however this ends because I'm just some fun to pass the time while his bored, I'm just the one his eye is on at the moment.

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