f o r t y f o u r

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So much for me having Zara at night, Micah during the day while I'm at work. I've spent every night at his place since I told him how I want this to work. Zara loves it, Micah loves it. And with everything that's happening with Zara, I love it. I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

For a week now she's been sick, the doctors told us she's most likely lacking in nutrients and sleep that's why she feels drained all the time and hasn't been running around.

I, on the other hand believe it's more that the doctors just couldn't put his finger on it. Micah lays on the grass with Zara sprawled across his chest, catching some sun and fresh air. Rather than being inside all the time.

"Zara," I call. She looks up, smiling. "Daddy has to go, come on we can go out to the shops and buy some yummy food."

"Okay, mummy," Zara nods, rolling off Micah, into the grass.

"Hey," Micah grabs her, pulling her back into a hug, "you gotta say bye my little princess."

"Bye-bye, Daddy," She smiles.

Micah kisses her forehead, sighing. She pulls out of his arms, running to me, "Mummy, get cherwy?"

I nod, picking her up. "You're getting heavy baby, what have you been eating?"

"Hey," Micah looks at me standing up, "my wallets on the counter."


"And I want you to take it."

I stare at him for a moment, I take in the similarities of him compared to his father. His father who's alive, the secret I keep from him. I being the one who told Micah if he keeps secrets- I'm gone, everything's over.

Micah grabs my arm pulling me into his chest, "Do I get a goodbye from you?"

"Goodbye," I smile. "I might head to the doctors as well after we head to the store, I want to request another GP to look at Zara."

"A goodbye kiss?" He asks.

"I want.. if things happen between us, again, I want to take it slowly. I want to be careful and we have Zara now-"

"You don't need to explain it to me," Micah sighs. "I know I've fucked up before. I know I need to try harder to be the one you two need."


I pull out Micah's credit card, paying for the groceries. Zara sits in the trolley, pulling grapes off the bunch though she doesn't eat them, instead creating a pile in her lap. I watch her carefully, just in case.

My phone buzzes, distracting me. It's a text from Alessio, asking if I could come to his house for a while, he wants to show me something for Zara.

Sighing I reply a quick yes, I guess there's no doctors appointment for Zara today. I'll just tell Micah I couldn't get in but I tried. Now I'm lying to the man that I don't want to lie to me.

"Mummy," Zara yawns, grabbing my attention.

"Yes, baby?"

"Whe Daddy?"

"Daddy's at work," I sigh, tapping her nose, "I told you that. But we are going to go see a friend now."

Zara frowns, looking at me before nodding gently. I squeeze her cheeks, "come on beautiful."


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