t h i r t y n i n e

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Zara flicks the pages in her book, scribbling onto the page not realising it's not a colouring in book. "Baby, up," I grab her, pulling her up from the floor.

"Mummy!" Zara giggles waving her arms up. I smile kissing her.

"I told you I need to clean and you baby girl as supposed to be having a nap not playing and colouring in."

She holds onto my arms, digging her fingers into my top. I sigh, "baby, I can't sit and play with you, I have to clean up from you always making a mess."

"Pwease, Mummy."

I sigh, holding her on my hip, "you girl, spoilt I say! Spoilt!" She grins leaning her head into my shoulder. The doorbell rings and for a second I hope it's Micah. It comes over me in a second and then it's gone and I hate myself for wanting him again.

Opening the door I frown, "Mr Jerkovic? What are you doing here? I sent my payment in the other day."

"It hasn't come through, your card was declined."

"No, you must have-"

"You don't have enough money Rosalie, I can't keep letting you off, your always behind."

"I promise-"

"It won't happen again? I'm sorry Rosalie but you have a few minutes to pack your things, I have some bags-"

"Where do you think I'm supposed to go?" I ask, "I have no where to go. You're leaving me on the streets. I have Zara.. I can't just stay on the streets."

"I'm sorry, if you work something out. I'll let you stay. What you don't have out in an five minutes- you don't get to keep. I am sorry."

I don't know what to do. I have no backup plan. I have nothing to do now. Maybe I should catch a bus to Grace and stay with her until I'm on my feet. Then I need to think of getting a new job. Zara needs to adjust to a new place. "Please, please just give me twenty minutes. I'll get the money to you. I promise."

"You make many promises you can't keep," he sighs. "You have your twenty minutes because of the kid."

Putting Zara down she runs back to her colouring in book. I find my phone. I call the only person I can think. The only person who I know will have the money in seconds for me. And he answers in a second, just like I expect.


"Where are you?"

"What's wrong?" He asks, worried.

"I don't know what to do," I whisper. "Please, just please come here. I.. I need help. You have to hurry."

"I'll be there."

"Thank you," I whisper.


Zara presses her cheek into the fences on the balcony. "You'll hurt yourself if you keep putting your face there and it's dirty, baby," I sigh leaning forward and pulling her into my lap. She frowns, pushing her arms around my neck.


"Yeh?" I brush her hair.

"Why owt-sid?"

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