Part 2

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Heaven's pov
"Come on Heaven! You are gonna be late for school."
So, today, is the first day of school after summer break, and I am not looking forward to it.
It only means back to being, the social reject, and the nerd. So why should I be excited?
I made my way downstairs, after getting dressed of course, I am not much of a fashionista , so a hoodie and sweatpants are enough.
"Here you are sweety, now, eat your pancakes, I am giving you a ride today."
"Okay mom." I am really not the kind of teen that is embarrassed  by their family, I just love my mom so much. I don't want to
Lose her.
Now , you are probably wondering, where is my father, have I got no siblings. Well, my father died four years ago, his death was the reason that I built these walls around me, I just didn't feel talking to anyone but mom. Now , what about my siblings? I have none, I am a lonely seventeen year old.
Mom and I hastened out of our froont door, not wanting to be late.
After a good twenty minutes, we arrived, let's get the misery started! "Bye sweety, love you."
I kissed mom goodbye and walked through the front door.
Here we go. There was a jam in the hallway , new students , old ones, teachers and principals, I of course just went to the office to get my locker combination.
I went there, and put in my books. As I also grabbed my sceduele.
Science is first.
The bell rang signaling us to head to our classes, I entered it and got looks and whispers from everyone.
"Well, if it isn't the nerd."
Christie Sevens spoke up, she was the cliché queen B , she pretty much owned the place. I didn't have enough courage to stand up to her and defend my self, so I just went to the back of the class, typical Heaven, and took a seat. The hustle and the bustle soon stopped, a teacher came in, who I am assuming our Biology one.
" Hello class, I am Mr.Glee, and I will be your biology teacher, now please, have a seat while we explain some basics."
The teacher looked in his thirties, he wore glasses and had a pointy nose, with bright grey eyes.
Suddenly class stopped, someone walked- or should I say , barged in, cutting our lesson.
"And who are you young man?"
"Calvin Parker."
I looked up to see, the most handsome guy , I have ever seen in my entire life. He was perfect, in all what the word ment. Spiked up, chocolate brown hair, amazing green eyes, that were beautiful
Yet very mysterious, the greatest jaw line ever, with an oval face, that looks like it has been painted. All in all, he is wonderful.
"Oh yeah, Mr. Parker, introduce yourself to the class please."
He groaned. "Do I have to."
"It is an obligation Mr."
He stood in the middle of the class, showing his 6'1 height, Whoah, I am 5'4 .
"My name is Calvin Parker, I am eighteen , I live on North Edge , Don't mess with me, and that is it."
Wait a minute! I live on North Edge, they must be the new neighbors mom was talking about. Great. Just as my luck.

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