Part 23

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Heaven's pov
I told mom about Dylan, and let's just say, she was jumping like a teenage girl who saw Nash Grier.
"Mom calm down." Dylan was still here. "Kiss! Kiss!" Okay, and the award of most embarrassing parent goes! "Mom."
"Okay." Dylan cupped my face and kissed me. "I have got to tell Lilly." She went to her room.
"I am sorry about her."
"No way! She is great!"
He hugged me. "Well, I have to go, see you tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and went.

I picked up the pone and texted Calvin. To Calvin:
Come here quick!
Calvin: Coming:)
I am so excited to tell him, but I think it will piss him off.
He came! "Calvin, you are not gonna believe what happened today!"
"What." He smiled.
"Dylan asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed!"
"He what!" He growled.
"Aren't you happy for me?!"
"Yeah so much, I have to go." Oh no! I pissed him off.
Calvin's pov
She said yes, she said fucking yes! I can't believe it, he stole Mila from me, and now Heaven.
But this is all my fault. I should've told her what I felt, but no, my stupid self said that I am a 'bad boy' , She didn't leave, I let her go.

I felt tears come out of my eyes, I just sat there and I let it all out. I had a blurry vision, and I couldn't think straight, I ended up shattering my Plasma screen, great, just great. "I love you Heaven, so fucking much."
After a little time, I got dressed and I went to this party Miller is throwing.

"Hey man, you showed up."
"Yeah." I wanted to get my mind off her, I don't want to seem cheesy, but I am broken, people say heartbreaks are easy, and I believed it, I am Calvin Parker, girls are at my feet. I used to play and break them, not knowing that I may experience it once, you do not know what it feels like , untill this one day, where you feel like there are tons on your chest, where your breath can't even escape your body, because your grief is holding on to it, saying, it might be one last hope.

I went to get a drink, I sat on the couch , and I listened to Faded, while the couples danced on the song , I sat there. Somehow, the lyrics were describing my feelings, Heaven is fading away from me. I saw a familiar face in the crowd, Heaven was Dancing with Dylan. I couldn't look, You know what? Two can play at this game, I have to make her jealous, I grabbed my phone and I called my cousin Gabriella, she and I are good friends too, I don't feel anything for her, but I want her help to make Heaven jealous.

I told her the whole story, she lives a few yards outside of my neighborhood. The next day, Gabriella arrived. "Hey cuz." She hugged me . "Hey Gabri." I call her Gabri, because like I said before, she and I were bestfriends, when we were younger, where we used to live in the same neighborhood.

She saluted mom and Kayla , and I told her to come with me to Heaven's place today. "I wanna see that girl that got you so whipped." I rolled my eye.
"I am not whipped!"
"Sure." She sighed, "Anyways let us go."
Let the games begin.

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