Fame Or Love 🎙
Chapter 29:
I put my head down so that I could break eye contact with Devon Richardson as they continued to cheer us on. Steveson got up, and walked up to Nakia, and gave her a hug.
I took a deep breath and replaced my sadness with a huge smile.
"That was good Zamora," said walking up to me.
"Thanks" I replied.
"I'm definitely looking forward to working with you after that performance," she told me.
I nodded my head and smiled at her.
"It's getting late Zamora told us" looking at her watch.
"Yea, we need some sleep" Chris then said.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"You guys can stay here,e," Devon said as he stood up.
Really Devon??? he asked
"Yes, and I'm not repeating myself," Devon told him walking past me without looking at me.
I glanced at him but quickly looked away as soon as he started looking, my way.
"Gifted, and Nakia followed me."
"I'll show you the rooms you'll be sleeping in tonight," he told us.
We both followed him while the others remained seated in the guest room.
"I got the man cave" Chris shouted at Derek.
"Nah bro not this time," he said rushing past him.
I watched as they started running to see which one would claim the "man cave." Nakia nudged me as we walked behind him.
"Look at that ass don't you just want to grab it" she teased.
"You irk my soul sometimes," I told her.
"Yeah, but you love me" she replied with a giggle.
"If you want to have hot sex, now is your time to claim him" she empathized.
"Shhh," I told her hoping he didn't hear what she just said.
"He would never sleep with someone like me, and besides he's with Zahara" I reminded her.
Nakia rolled her eyes at my remark.
We walked past several rooms.
"Stop acting like you don't like him" she teased.
She giggled as we continued to follow his lead.
"So you're going to just let her take your man like it's nothing ugh, your no fun," she said.
Devon Richardson stopped walking.
"This is your rooms," he said interrupting our conversation.
"If you ladies need anything, let me know I'm right down the hall" he insisted.
"Gifted needs you," Nakia said in a jokingly manner.
What??? he asked I nudged her signaling her to stop playing around.
She said thanks I told him.
He nodded his head and walked out of the room.
"Damn, we don't have any night clothes to wear" I warned Nakia.
Fame Or Love 🎙
Mistério / SuspenseJesus Christ, she is losing too much blood. We are losing her and the baby... ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ My eyes continued to open and close as the doctor tried everything in his power to resuscitate me. I continued to stare at the hospital lights which fla...