You are the one that i want for the rest of my days

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so this is the very first chapter to this story and the song from the title is from the song Happy By NeverShoutNever and there is a link on the side, alright


show some love kiddos


My fingers fumbled on a rope as I hauled an anchor over into the water and watched it sink through the blue water and into the darkness. I looked back over my shoulder at my boyfriend, Auden. He was pulling off his worn shirt up over his head and threw it onto the floor of my family's fishing boat. He looked at me with a bright grin. His bright green eyes were almost glowing as he looked at the blue spread of ocean around us; water was his favorite place, and out on the boat was probably the most peaceful place in all of district 4. He looked at me and strode over, wrapping his muscular arms around my waist. I smiled softly and turned away from him

“We came here to fish, remember?” I grabbed a net and set everything up. Auden kicked off his shoes and ran a hand back through his dark hair.

           “Actually you came here to fish. I came to swim” he chuckled and jumped into the water. I laughed softly and his head rose from the water, he flashed me his charming smile. “C’mon Scout we only have a few hours left with each other”, he muttered. In only a few hours we had the reaping for The Hunger Games, the capitol's only way to keep all the districts in line ever since 16 years ago. One boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts from the ages of 12-18 fight to the death. The capitol just sits back as the tributes slaughter each other. It’s all a joke to them, our lives don’t matter as long as all districts are under control. Every year from the age of 12 to the age of 18, your name is entered once. Since I was 17 my name was entered 5 times and Auden was 18. His was entered 6 times and for some reason, he was convinced that his name was going to be called. I frowned at what he said. He wasn't going to be picked, the chances of him being picked were slim to none, most teenagers in our District were 18 too so they all had the same amount as entries as him. I just don't understand why he was so paranoid about it when he had no better of a chance of getting pulled than any other boy from town.

“Stop saying that!” I snapped, “You’re not going to get picked”.

He swam to the board and hung onto the edge. He smiled apologetically and kindly held out his hand to me to help him onto the boat. I reached down and gripped his hand, and before I could even scream my body plunged into the water. I came up and laughed. Auden was just smirking and laughing at me. I swam to him and dunked him under the cold surface of the water. He swam under me and rose behind me and pulled me to him and kissed him. After a few moments of kissing he piled away from me and pressed his forehead against mine

           “Let’s get married “he said softly with a goofy grin on his face. My eyes widened and I looked up into his eyes and i can tell he’s being very serious. There usually is never a time when he’s serious like this, hes always goofing around and cracking jokes but by the dark passionate look in his eyes i can tell this isn't a joke, hes being dead serious.

           “You can’t be serious” I whispered. Marriage at the age of 17 was rare, almost unheard of/ it was crazy, people would think we’re losing out minds or I’m pregnant with his child.My parents would not approve of me marrying so young, they would scold me and tell me that it was just wishful thinking that we would last and send me to do my chores and that would be the end of that.


“I have a ring and everything; I bought it in town yesterday. If I’m going to die in the games I at least want to be able to call you my wife” he whispered. So many things were going on in my head at once. I just stared at him for what seemed like houses before I managed to get out one word. On simple, short word that would change everything. It all seemed like one big dream. sure, i thought about me and Auden getting married. Auden and I had even talked about it before a few times but i never thought it would be this soon. I would have never thought to marry him now but at the same time it didn't seem like a bad idea, it seemed right. I knew that me and Auden would end up married someday anyways. I loved him with all my heart just like he loved me with all of his. I had to agree, i didn't have the heart to not agree. what if he thought it meant i would never marry him? what if he did get chosen and i never saw him again? I had to keep those thoughts away from my head as H inhaled a deep breathe before shakily saying the word that would change it all.

           “y-yes” I stammered “I-I’ll Marry you” I added. He leaned down to kiss me but the clinging of a loud bell rung out from the docks. Auden and I pulled ourselves onto the boat and got the anchor out of the water and sailed towards land. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny little ring with a  small gem stone. I smiled wide

“Its beautiful, Auden” I said softly and he just grinned more

“Really? I was hoping you would say that.” He said as he pulled the boat up to the docks . I jumped off the boat and tied it up to a post before the clock tower in town square  stuck 11:00am. I sighed, only one more hour till I could get called, my brother could get called and even worse, Auden’s name could get called and I could lose the love of my life.

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