You're Not As Brave As You Were At The Start

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     Hey guys! its been a while! sorry ive been so so so busy!

School is just all, blah. So i quite like this chapter. 

it could be longer but oh wellll

And the picture for this chapter is how  i picture Bliss

so yeah 

the song is little lion man originally by mumford and sons but i posted tonight alive's cover from the punk goes pop album so yeahhh




          They're over here!" A voice beckoned from afar somewhere in the woods. I look up from the small camp me and Grimm had set up it was only a small fire for cooking only what needed to be cooked to be eaten, a sleeping bag and our backpacks .We were both sitting on the ground, My back was against a tree and he was sitting indian style by the burt ground where our fire had been. We allowed our gazes wander towards the voices and saw a group of people running our way, being led by the one and only Bliss. I stand to my feet quickly and grab my trident, Grimm was one step ahead of me, he was standing and watching as the figures approached us with his spear perched in his hand. He stood with his strong figure, his face clearly outlines by the suns shadow and an obviously deadly stare that he was shooting down at the careers.

        "Go, I’ll catch up “he demanded. I shook my head in disbelief that he would want me to just abandon him here to the mercy of the careers. But then again he was supposed to be a career himself, he knows how they think. But I still couldn't just leave him. Its 5 against 1.

        "I can’t-" I countered. He nudged me away from him

        "Just go! “He instructed so I did as I was told and took off in a sprint through the woods with two packs over my shoulder, my speed gaining as I heard the careers chasing me. I look back and saw that Grimm and bliss were. Fighting and the other 4 tributes of the pack were chasing me down, and gaining on me fast. I muttered a curse before making a sudden turn to head a different way, hoping to possibly throw them off, but to my horror that didn't work. I had to figure out a way to stop get them off my tail so I could go help Grimm. I mean sure Grimm was strong and skilled with a spear but bliss was clever and swift and when she threw a knife she never missed

        I dove behind a tree and stood there. Completely still. I didn't dare breath or move until one boy, the district 3 boy walked passes me without taking any note of me. I raised my trident and he spun as he heard me. But before he could react my Trident plunged into his neck and killing him instantly. I pulled the trident that was implanted in his neck and glanced around. The other careers seemed to disappear at the moment. Then I heard a sharp yelp of pain ring out, and I could place the voice anywhere. It was Grimm. I sprinted back to where I had left him, once I saw his figure standing I sighed in relief “GRIMM!” I shouted but as I neared him, I realized something wasn’t right. His eyes were fixed forward and glazed over and he wasn’t moving at all. I stopped as his body started to fall forward, practically leaping I caught him in my arms and held him up the best I could. I looked down and in his back there was a knife. My eyes widened as my gaze followed up a small hill and Bliss was standing there with an evil smirk on her lips. In the blink of an eye one of her knives went flying past my head. I looked down at Grimm and he was almost gone. His loss of blood was extreme and his pulse was almost down to nothing. His weak eyes looked up and met mine. I couldn’t help but tear up and hug the dying boy in my arms for a half a moment, giving him enough time to whisper one simple word in my ear.

        “Go” he whispered, I didn’t want to leave him. Not again. But I had a feeling that neither of us would make it out alive if I didn’t. I let him down and took off running with my grip on my trident tight. I couldn’t get caught by her. Another knife went flying past my head and into a tree; I could hear Bliss groan with anger as she sped up. I couldn’t see any way to get out of this. She was coming closer and the other careers were probably on their way to find us. We were deep in forest and it wasn’t that easy to lose someone. I winced as I felt a weight hit the back of my knees. I fell face first into the dirt and felt a knife dig into my arm. I screamed out in pain and rolled onto my back and saw bliss straddling me with a knife in her hand, ready to kill at any moment. I looked around frantically and saw my trident in just hands reach. I grabbed it and hit her across the face with it. I saw a deep cut but nothing that would kill her. But all the same I took this opportunity to run as fast as I could as she screamed in pain. I ran as fast as I could back to the clearing and saw Grimm’s body lying there. I fell to my knees and pulled his head into my lap. He was still there but only barely and I knew that I couldn’t save him. He looked up at me with his deep blue eyes and forced out a painful smile.

        “I’m going to die, aren’t I?” he whispered. My eyes filled with tears and I nodded, allowing the tears to overflow to my cheeks and stream down my face. He gently reached his hand up and wiped away the tears “you have to win this for me, ok? Go back to that lucky man you’re going to marry. You deserve to win more than anyone” he whispered hoarsely. I opened my mouth to say something but he started to speak again, I didn’t want to interrupt him because it may be the last thing I hear from him. “Take care of my sister.. Find her a nice family. I don’t trust my parents to be there for her. Maybe a family in district 1, she’d be wealthy there and safe” he suggested. I gave him a small nod.

        “I will, I promise I will” I said softly, he forced out another painful grin then his breath thinned out and stopped, leaving his lifeless body lying in my arms and the loud ringing of the cannon going through the woods. I stood up slowly, now covered in his blood. I didn’t take too much notice to it, I just walked. I needed to get away from everything. I couldn’t let myself feel bad over this. I couldn’t blame myself. Even if I had stayed by his side he would have died. I had to make myself believe that. I couldn’t let my guilt hold me back from getting home. I kept wandering till dark then made camp under a tree. I looked up as the anthem started playing and I saw all the fallen tributes. I watched as Grimm’s face was projected into the night sky. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I muttered my last goodbye.

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