Long Live the Reckless and The Brave

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eep guys! final chapter in the games and for the first ( and last time) theres a POV from auden! and then theres a twist! tell me what you all think. the story is soon coming to an end, which is sad but exciting cause then i can focus on another story that i will start writing soon with ReillyMellark! and Continue the story im writing with jagkiera!

by the way if you haven't checked out my other story ‘ have all my heart’

then go look into it! i think you might enjoy it possibly??


and then the song is the reckless and the brave by all time low

its their most recent song and the song reminds me of the tributes and the capitol and yeah and stuff like that haha 

and i just thought it fit 

so yeah 

ok kids! enjoy this chapter!

vote/ comment??


Perched steadily in a tree i watch was Bluss is fighting off 3 tributes. I had returned to the meadow looking for Bliss and seeing she was killing off the only other tributes left  made me grateful for 2 reasons. One, I didn't have to do it and two, she would be tired after fighting and killing them. Bliss Swung her arm with a knife firmly gripped in her hand and impaled it in some guys back. He fell to his knees, coughing up blood and falling on his face. Bliss then  heard the footsteps of a girl running up behind her and she whirled and kicked her in the stomach and she fell back. the boy who was running to attach Bliss was suddenly distracted by the girl who fell to the ground. he stopped and knelt to see if the girl was ok but that was the biggest mistake he could have made in that moment because in less than a second a knife was impaled in both of their heads and they were dead.

Now it was just me and Bliss.From the looks of it she was more beat up than i was. she had a gash across her chest and the same cut across her face from what i had done,but adrenaline had probably kicked in for her and she couldn't feel the real intensity of the pain. she bent down and picked her knives from the bodies and smirked , kicking the bodies over and looking for weapons. I studied her a moment and noticed instantly that my trident was tucked in her belt.I glared but  didn't panic because i still had the sword i had gathered from the district 3 girl. I jumped down from my branch and walked  out into the meadow slowly but it didn't take Bliss long to hear my approaching footsteps and she turned and looked at me and a smirk settled on her lips.

“Well hey there district 4” shr smirked as she held a knife in each hand. I nodded a little bit as i pulled my sword from my belt. She just stood gracefully with her hip popped out and staring me down. “I wouldn't make a move if i were you cause only one person can make it out and we both know who that's going to be” I shrug softly and walk slowly towards her.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up Bliss, I’m pretty pissed off, I don't deal well with anger”  I stated and she just shrugged. I took an opportunity and barrelled at her with all i had, knocking her to the ground and moved so i was straddling her, I raised my hand to hit her in the head with the butt off my sword but she was quick to stab her knife into my side i scream in pain and she kicks me off of her. I rolled onto my back , struggling to keep awake as blood drained from my body. Bliss got up quickly and threw a knife at my chest but i quickly deflected it with my sword   then rose to my feet, sending my fist into her jaw. Bliss stumbled back and I kicked her down just to be sure. I grabbed my trident and began pulling on it. I needed to get it free. I wasn’t doing very well with this sword. It was light compared to my trident and i needed something heavier and easier to control. I pulled at the trident with all my strength but  it didn’t break free.  Bliss obviously noticed me yanking on her belt because she slammed her boot into my shoulder.I fell onto my back but pulled the trident as i fell, causing her belt to snap and my trident to break free. She looks at me and for once i see fear in her eyes. She knows that right now i'm stronger than she is. She  takes a deep breath and charges at me and i catch her in the arm with my trident , leaving a deep cut and causing her to scream.I smirk and  hold my trident up in defense. She quickly grabs one of her knives and throws it, hitting me in the shoulder , so deep and strong that i fall to the ground. Bliss then  comes at me but just as she  attacks i jab my  trident into her chest . She gasped and collapsed onto the ground. A Cannon went off, the final cannon. Suddenly a voice boomed over the whole Arena.

“DISTRICTS OF PANEM! YOUR VICTOR!” it announced and a ladder lowered itself from a hovercraft. Once i grabbed onto it i was frozen and unable to move. I was hauled up in to the shop and instantly people swarmed me and i just passed out. I no longer had to worry about being killed in the games. I had won. I was the Victor.

Audens POV

I sat in front of the small tv in my families house with my eyes glued to the screen.Scout came out from the trees and her and bliss were talking to each other .

“Auden what’s happening?” my mother yelled from the kitchen where she was cooking dinner.I didn’t respond, i didn’t want to take my eyes away from Scout. she looked awful. Usually, of course, that’s not something i would say about her but it was true. her hair was matted and her skin covered with dirt. but her green eyes still glowed beautifully like they always did. but this time it was a dangerous glow. I watched the two girls. they were about the same in size but Bliss was a bit slimmer , it was almost unnatural. but scout had more muscle, probably from me taking her out fishing all the time. I leaned forward as they both started fighting and my attention was captured. I winced every time Scout got hurt but smiled when she attacked Bliss. Bliss was getting weak and once scout got her trident I knew she would win. The battle continued until it ended with Scouts trident finding its way into Bliss’s body and the final cannon sounding.

“MOM! SHE DID IT!! SHE WON!!” I shouted and jumped to my feet, running to the kitchen but before i had time to some people burst in the doors. I didn't have time to make out who it was because the next thing i knew was everything went black.

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