A single word out of that pretty mouth

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ok so yeah not very long. 

no proofreading was done so yeah

the song is RE:why i killed my girlfriend by Thats Outrageous!

again this is one of the songs where only like one line matches with the chapter but oh well



After training I was drug out of the training center and up to a floor I had never been on before. Stylists shuffled from room to room with outfits and makeup. I saw a few other tributes being put in rooms before I was put in one and shut in by a heavy door. I sighed and waited there for only around 15 minutes before my odd little prep team walked in. Before I could say a word Avara threw a garment resembling a hospital gown at me and told me to put it on. I did as I was told and laid back on a table as Apollo and Ares stripped my body of any unwanted hair from my small legs to my uneven eyebrows.I hrt horribly but I didn’t say anything . Once they finished I managed to fall asleep on the table as they did my make up and most of my hair. After waking up I find myself being stared down at by avara. I rais and eyebrow and sit up, realizing I was stark naked. My eyes widened and I tried to cover myself.

“don’t worry I made the men leave” she assured me an held out a dress “step into this” she instructed and I did . she slid it up over my body and zipped up the back, smoothing down the sides “beautiful!” she grinned and turned me so I was facing a mirror. I was in a dark blue gown thatthinned once it was at my thighs to a sheer so you could see my legs. There was jeweling around the torso and no straps. It clung close to my figure but looked amazing. I had silver tattoos on my arms  and streaks of metallic silver in my hair which was pulled up. my eye lashes were long and my skin had no blemishes whatsoever .I looked back at avara,speechless. She just smiled at me “you look amazing” she stated and then held up some heels, my eyes widened and I shook my head.

“do you really want me to die before I even step in the arena?” I snap at her, shaking my head, I had never worn heels before, back at home I would usually walk out barefoot unless it was stormy season and even then I just wore boots with good grip so I didn’t fall off the boat.

“you’re not going barefoot”she crossed her arms as if she had been reading my mind. I pouted slightly.

“please??”she shook her head more

“no. you can wear these” she pulled out another pair of shoes. They were made of the same material of the other heels just no heel. I smiled and stepped into them

“much better” she nodded and lead me out of the building and down into the square where all of the chariots were waiting. Each chariot had a district number on the side and was lead by 2 black horses.I walked over to the chariot, clearly labeled 4. Brooks turned around and looked at me, he was in a blue button down shirt, same color as my dress and black pants. I smiled softly at him.

“you look-“ he started to say but another voice interrupted his before he could finish.

“beautiful” I turned around quickly and saw Grimm standing there leaning against his chariot in a white shirt, black pants and suspenders “truly beautiful” he said with a smile on his face. For being such a horrible human being , he cleaned up well. An arm wrapped around my shoulders and I looked up to see it was brooks, glaring at Grimm.

“that’s nice of you Grimm now go away, she wont sleep with you shes engaged” he snapped and turned away with me and helped me into the chariot. He was swearing under his breath about  grimm untnil or chariot started going forward. He plastered a fake smile on his face and waved to the adoring citizens of the capitol who would be bidding on our deaths in he next 48 hours. I forced a smile though just like im and waved . this was the firsts time we had been presented to him and we needed to make a good reputation on these people because it may be what keeps us alive in the arena. We went down a long pth and at the end of it we stopped all in a line and on a huge platform the president stood , saying treaty of treason. The president was a young man in his early 20’s who had just got the title of president because our previous president died and no one knows how it happened. His nae was president Rose and to be completely honest, he scared me more than any of the other tributes could. Once that was done we left the area and went to a building and were ushered inside and up to a hallway. at the end of the hallway there was curtains and behind the curtains you could hear a roaring crowd of people and the unmistakable voice of Caesar flickerman, the host. Caesar was a very strange man, he had blue hair, much like Harriett but he almost had a new face every year due to the crazy surgery’s he went through to look young. I watched as each tribute before me walked out and heard as he made jokes to make the audience laugh and the tribute look good. It was finally down to me.

“and now, district 4’s one and only Scout Armatta!” he called out. I had no  idea how to act, I knew Landen had said something about it that morning but I didn’t bother paying attention then. I walked out gracefully and Caesar grabbed my hand and kissed it once and we both sat down in seats. He gave me a toothy grin “so scout, the whole nation is wondering. Who’s the boy? “he asked instantly , leaning towards me, obviously wanting an answer. Everyone’s eyes switched from me to a screen where they were displaying a picture of me and Auden being dragged apart at the reaping. I wanted to snap and cry but I forced out a kind smile.

“He’s my fiancé, Auden. He proposed that very morning” I inform calmly, holding up my hand for him so he could see the ring. He gasped and admired it a moment before facing the crowd.

“isn’t that wonderful everyone?” he said and the crowd went insane with smiles and cheers but in my head all I could see was Auden’s teary eyes and his arms reaching out for me-no, I can afford to think about him in a time like this. I sat up straight and Caesar brought his eyes back to me

“so scout, you look amazing! How long did this take your designers?” I smiled softly.

“I honestly don’t know, I had fallen asleep and woke up  looking like a goddess! Avara, Apollo and Ares couldn’t have done a better job!’ I encourage, looking out to the front row of the crowd where they were al sitting with giant grins on their faces. Caesar laughed a little bit

“your time is almost up but would you like to say anything to your Fiancé back in district 4 through the camera?” He offered and I agreed and looked straight into the nearest camera and smiling lovingly. This was my time to take Auden’s tears away, my time to let him know that I’ll do anything I can to win.

“Auden, I love you big man, I’ll be home room for you. We can have our wedding we always wanted. Stay safe” I said then my time was up and I rose, Caesar gave me a hug and I went back to behind the stage , hoping Auden heard me. Other tributes went out talking about who they had at home and how they liked the capitol. I found out that Darren was the youngest in a family of all brothers and his family owned a lumber company. I smiled a little and I found out in what conditions the further out districts were.

After everyone had their time for interviews our ratings went up on a screen. It showed our names , our district number then our rating. I got a 10. Brooks got an 8.we did good and I was relieved. But my eyes widened as I saw Bliss got a 12. Maybe I would be an easy target after all.

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