Tell Me Something Sweet To Get Me By

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ok guys so short chapter.

im so sorry

but im so tired and stressed 

and i will try to upload soon again plus i am on spring break

assss of today! so excited! and i will have time to upload


song for the chapter is if it means alot to you by A day to remember

but the video is a cover that a band i like did so.. yeah 

ok bye

~ Hannah

No proofreading or editting done :/

I feel a cool drip of liquid on my face and my eyes shoot open to see that there is rain pouring down onto the ground, making puddles in the dirt of the woods. I rise and grin, there was no water found all of yesterday and all today. Grimm and myself eventually just fell from exhaustion and dehydration. I grin as the rain hits my face and I throw my head back, letting the water splash on my cheeks. I looked at Grimm who was still sound asleep on the ground. I kicked him and opened a waterbottle and held it up to the rain “GRIMM GET UP!” I shouted, not loud enough for others in the arena to hear though, unless they were alreadly close which I doubted. He jolted awake and looked around and smiled as well.He opened his mouth and faced the sky.

But then something was wrong. Terribly wrong. I couldn’t place it at first, it took me a moment to process what was going on. But the water was no longer water. It burned at the touch and sunk into my skin causing pain to hit my body . I looked at Grimm who was also feeling the pain because he was swatting his arms and trying to get the liquid off of him. I ran and grabbed our packs and threw them over my shoulder loosely , they were light so it wasn’t very hard.I took off running through the woods. It couldn’t be raining in the whole arena , could it? It probably could be but I wasn’t going to stand around as my skin was burned away to nothing. I took off into the woods, jumping over branches and rocks and dodging trees. From what  I realized is most of this arena was thick forest with no big sources of water. The only place that wasn’t covered in trees was where the cornucopia was and someone had probably already built camp there.there was meadow surrounding that area. I didn’t know the boundries of the arena but there had to be some form of shelter .As I made my way through the woods I could hear Grimms heavy footsteps trailing after me. I looked over my shoulder for a moment and saw how horrible he was getting burned, his face was a burning red and his arms were the same.As I kept my fast pace I could feel the acid-like liquid splash onto my face, leaving gashes of open wound on my cheeks.i saw a covered area with a rock shelter hanging over a cave area. It was completely open so people would have no trouble seeing us but I would rather be seen then be dead. I ran under it and the acid stopped landing on my cheeks but that didn’t stop the burning from occouring.I swatted at my arms, trying to stop the burning on my arms and grimm looked at me with concern.he forced me to sit down on the ground and sighed.

“let me see your burns” he demanded and I willingly held out my arms to him. He gently took them in his hands, I didn’t know why he was worrying about me when his burns were just as bad as mine . but he sat back against a boulder with me “theres nothing we can do..” he admitted softly. I nod in agreement and sit back by him and watch the rain pour down onto the ground. “so your engaged? Aren’t you like 15?” he said with a small chuckle.I looked up at him and he had a childish smile on his lips.

“im 17” I corrected him  and he shook his head.

“still young. If you win and go back and get married you’d have kids when your like 5 children and you’ll look old at a young age from the stress and you’ll lose that pretty face of yours” he joked  with a slight laugh and a wink.

“well ,now since you know all about my life” I stated sarcastically , changing the subject. I couldn’t afford to think about Auden at this point.”what’s your life like back in district2?” I asked and looked up at him. His big eyes looked down at me and he shrugged. The playful look he had in his eyes moments before had now faded into a look of sadness. He wouldn’t meet my eyes and he ran a hand back through his hair and looked at the sky that was darkening above us.

“uh, Its normal I guess. I mean I take care of my sister full time. And we don’t have much money , and Im at the training center for peacekeepers most of the time. So when I get off I go and get her. My parents are both peacekeepers in district 12. So I never get to see them. They don’t mind though. Less trouble” he shrugged.I forced a small smile trying to think of the good in his statedment. I felt bad for him. He was worried about me having a kid at 19 when he had been taking care of his sister all alone for years? I had to say something nice so he wouldn’t feel as sad.

“how old is your sister?” I asked kindly. I couldn’t believe a boy like him would sleep around with girls on the train and have a little sister he was responsible for.

“4, her name is jaylah” he said proudly. I had never seen him look so happy. He obviously cared a lot for her.his eyes were once again bright with enthusiasm. “ shes turning 5 in a month “ he added with a nod as he leaned back and relaxed again.

“that’s sweet”I stated and pulled my knees to my chest and he just shook his head.

“not really, im not going to win because the capitol only allows one to win and my chances aren’t that great” he muttered and looked down. My gaze returned to him and I sighed softly at how sad he looked.There were so many kids in this arena who needed to win. They needed to win for their own reasons. If he didn’t win his sister wouldn’t have anyone to rely on. If I didn’t win auden wouldn’t be able to deal with himself for letting me leave and not taking me away to somewhere safe.

“if I won I would bring the capitol down. Over throw the president and discontinue these damned games “I announced, forgetting I was on camera, Grimm looked up at me with wide eyes  as if I just committed suicide. I bit my lip and looked down, in the same sad look he wore realizing what I had done. I had slimmed my chances of winning and It was unlikely I would make it through the night.

Sinking Slowly -a Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now