Oh darling I Love You So

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Woah a chapter!!

yeah sorry guys i know its been FOREVER

but just to let you know, this story is coming to an end but not JUST yet. i have about 3 or 4 more chapters for you.

feebdack is always welcome and appreciated

sooo yeah

oh the song Oh Darling by plug in stereo!

and the little girl in the sidebar is jaylah

comment? vote? party??XD


6 months after leaving the capitol

I woke as the sun seeped through the windows of the bedroom in my new home. I smiled  and stretched my arms up and rolled over only to be faced with a sleeping Auden, i grinned at the sight of him looking so peaceful and happy. We had been living in the victor village since we returned home with our families. but our families decided to move out to give us privacy as a couple.  we had yet to get married but we had plans to that next summer a month before the games. I gently reached my hand up and ran my fingertips across his jaw and his eyes fluttered open.

“good morning” i whispered to him with a small smile and he leaned over and kissed me

“good morning Mrs.Livingston” he replied smugly. i stifled a laugh and sat up, keeping a blanket over my bare chest.

“im   not your wife yet” i reminded him and looked at him as he propped himself up on one arm and just looked at me.

“not yet but soon” he beamed then playfully pulled the blankets from my hands and revealed my naked body and i squealed.

“Auden!!” i squirmed  and went to grab the blanket  but he held I away. he was slightly luckier than i was because he was able to cover himself with his boxers before morning. I looked at him and frowned,crossed my arms over my body ,trying to cover  myself but he just burst out laughing then a smirk settled on his lips.

“why are you all of a sudden so shy?” he leaned closer “you weren't shy last night” he whispered and leaned in to kiss me but before he got the chance i pushed a pillow in his face and he laughed and looked up at me.”hey!” he pushed me so i was laying down and he supported himself over me and pecked my lips and i  put my hands on his shoulders with a grin.

“I really need to be getting ready..” I stated and pushed him off me and walked to our wardrobe. Auden groaned and laid out on our bed.

“i don't understand why you have to go” he whined  with a pout on his face. I pulled on some undergarments and  smiled over at him.

“because i have to.. i can't cause any trouble with the president, remember??” Auden sighed and nodded softly, leaning back and looking at the ceiling.

“I can't believe he  threatened you” he mumbled. I let out a small scoff as i pulled on a cream colored dress that fell loosely over my thin frame.

“I do. besides, he didn't threaten me. he threatened you, thats why its important i listen to him” i nodded and looked in a mirror. i was faintly aware of Auden standing up and walking over to me . he wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss on my shoulder.

“I love you, you know that??” he whispered against my skin. I smiled and looked at him in the mirror.

“well i would hope so. you and i are getting married” i said matter of factly.and he laughed  then pulled away, flopping back into bed with his hands behind his head . I rolled my eyes at him and fastened a necklace around my neck and  pulled my hair up. this was only what i had to wear onto the train because i knew my prep team would say something about how sloppy i looked. I looked at auden and grinned. I walked over to him and straddled his waist and giggled .”AUUUUDEN” i giggled and he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist.

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