Take A Breath and Run

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 hey guys!

sorry it took me so long to get this chapter up!

i hope you enjoy it!!!

leave feedback in comments? favorite and vote?

no proofreading was donee

so the song is And Run by he is we 

and they are friends of mine so its more support for the band haha

the song fits pretty perfect to the whole story  so just tell me what you guys think of the song  and the chapter! wooo

comment??? Vote???


I didn’t get a wink of sleep, only nightmares of me dying flooded my mind. I woke to a pounding on my door. Jumping to my feet I ran to the door and swung it open, standing there was Landen with his hands in his pockets and a smug look on his face.

            “Ready to get slaughtered? I already wrote up your obituary! But would you like to have Livingston as your last name or your madden name, Armatta?” he remarked. I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or making some kind of sick joke but I glared at him either way and he stopped and then threw some clothes at me.” get ready” he instructed “we leave for the hover craft in 10 minutes” I nod in agreement and step into the bathroom and change into the outfit he had given me. It was a pair of dark blue denim pants, thick leather hunting boots, a leather belt, and a plain white tee shirt. I stepped back into the main part of the cabin again and he was sitting on my bed with a hand running back through his hair. “Oh and I need your ring” he stated as if it were a simple thing.

            “What? No!’ I disagreed and shook my head quickly.

            “Scout-“he started but I cut him off before he got a chance to speak anymore.

            “No! It’s all I have left of him! I won’t take it off!!” I shouted, Landen quickly rose and shoved me into the wall and grabbed my wrists, pinning them above me head and lifted me so I wasn’t touching the ground.

            “Calm down! You’ll get it back! The game makers just want to inspect it so it’s not a weapon of any type!’ he slid the ring off my finger and dropped me and left the room without another room. I dropped to my knees and started crying my eyes out. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t accept it. Today I was going to the arena, away from humanity. I might have to leave him, my Auden. I sobbed and lay in the middle of my floor. I must have been pretty loud because moment later brooks walked in and saw me. He sighed and helped me up and wiped my tears.

            “c’mon... We have to go” he said quietly and led me to the elevator and we were taking up to the top level. The doors opened and light broke through the darkness and I looked up at the sun, beaming down on us. I stood up straight and wiped the remainders of my tears, I wasn’t going to come across as weak. I walked out strongly and peacekeepers lead us onto the hovercraft and we were taken to small rooms where Avara was standing, with a big smile on her face. She helped me get ready for most likely the last time, she tied my hair back and looked at me and grinned .

            “You really love that boy, don’t you?” she asked and a peacekeeper walked in as she finished my hair and put a needle in my arm that inserted tracking chip. I looked up at her and she was picking up knitted sweater the color of wheat and put it over my body and smiled.

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