We gave our lives for this

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hey guys

chapter two ye! :3

uh no proofreading done (:

the song on the side is the song i got the title for the chapter from

plus its by one of my favorite bands!

not all the songs will be this....hardcore haha

alot wont be actually but ye

its Bottomfeeder by Blessthefall




I didn’t know how to explain to my mother that I was getting married on the same day that me and my brother Hendrix could be taken from her. So, I decide to wait until after the reaping to say anything. She has been expecting it though, ever since me and Auden started dating.

I thought back to the day when we first met. The day of the reaping, 6 years ago. Him and his older brother, Landen were both in the reaping bowl that year. His brother was 18 and Auden had just turned 12. I was there with my family and we were all hoping that Hendrix wouldn’t get picked since he, like Auden was also 12. We were all gathered close and watched as a lady pulled a name and then she called out, “Auden Livingston!”

But before the peacekeepers could even get to Auden, Landen volunteered as a tribute.  At the time I barely knew the boys. I only knew that they came in to get fish every week from us. But I remember on that day after the tributes left I walked down to the docks and found Auden there, crying. I hugged him and promised him that his brother would win. Looking back at it no it was a stupid promise to make because I couldn’t have been sure of anything. But his brother did win. His brother had gotten his hands on a sword and 3 backpacks and it kept him going well. Ever since Landen returned I’d been Auden's ‘lucky charm’.

I smiled as that day came to mind. I walked into our small house and saw my mom at the stove making clam stew for after the reaping. I smiled.

“Mom? Is Dad sober?” I asked.

She turned around and sighed softly, “No, he hasn't been sober for days.”

I bit my lip. He was always drinking and it made me sick. He hadn't always been this way. When I was little he was an amazing father but now he was just a middle aged man who stayed in a dark room all day and night, drinking. The only time he ever ventured out was when, mom wasn’t home to make him food or he needed to buy more alcohol. I sighed softly and walked to our wash room and changed into a light pink creamy colored dress and rung my soaken wet hair out in the sink and eventually just pulled it back. I walked out to see Hendrix fiddling with a tie. Hendrix was only a year older than me but we could easily be twins with our red hair and green eyes. We were both pale with freckles across our cheeks and noses. I walked over to him and laughed softly, he was normal amazing at tying any type of knot but he couldn’t tie a tie to save his life. I tied it quickly .

                “thanks “ he smiled . I nodded slightly and smoothed it down on his shirt but he stopped me,taking my hand. He held it up infront if his face to get a good look at it. I bit my lip, knowing he was staring at the ring. Hendrix, along with my parents don’t like Auden very much. I had no idea why though.”so , Auden proposed…” he muttered with a frown settling on his lips. I yanked my hand away .

                “yes, he did” I walked out of the front door, knowing my mother and my little brother Kinkade were already far ahead of us.

                “does mom know?” He asked as he locked up the house behind us and jogged to be walking at my side. I shook my head gently  “you didn’t tell her your engaged? That’s kind of a big deal ,Scout” He said, looking at me like I was irresponsible

“No, Im gonna tell her after the reaping, Auden is coming over for dinner and we’ll announce it. Plus he’s brining his moms Seaweed bread. I know its your favorite. So if you keep your mouth shut you can have some” Yeah, that was a good deal. He doesn’t talk then he gets food, Fair enough. I stride into the town square and look around at all the people gathering. The area is split into 2 sections. Boys and Girls. I leave my brther once he agrees to my bargain and walk to the girls side. Most of the girls were fussing about how they looked or freaking out about if they got caught. I just sighed softly and stared straight forward at the  platform that will soon be hold the representative from the capitol who plans everything for our tributes and peacekeepers. I fiddle with the ring on my finger as people shuffle onto the stage. A woman with bright blue hair goes up and from what I can see it looked like she had something resebling a toy boat in her giant hair. Sha had a long thin body with twigs for legs sticking out fof thw bottom of her dress. The dress she wore was dark blue and faded into lighter blue as you got to the top. She was probably just trying to lighten the mood but It seemed somewhat of a mockery. After she stood at the podium two peacekeepers carried up 2 giants bowls that looked like fishbowls, there were strips of paper in each od the, . The name of every child in our district was in those bowls. The Lady stepped up to the microphone.

“Hello Citizens of district 4! I am Harriette Fidler  and today is the day we get our tributes and possibly this years victor chosen!” she said. She then continued to explain why the games happen each year.It was all because of te rebellion in district 13. They just had to go and get themselves in trouble and get bombed. Without them none of this would be happening. Children wouldn’t be killed in some games. Harriette walked over to the bowl clearly labeled ‘boys’. She walked back over to the podium and leaned up to the microphone “lets start with the young men” she unfolded the paper with her long nails and smiled brightly as if the boy were being called up for some award.

“Brooks Darwin!” She chimed out in a sing-songy voice . The sound of a woman shrieking rings out and I see the boy coming up from the boys group. He looks back at the older lady crying. I guessed it was his grandmother. Brooks was a medium built boy with short hair but that’s all I could notice before I scanned the crowd for Auden. He looked at me with a bright grin on his face  . He was safe and me and him were free to get married.

“now for the ladies!” Harriette said happily. She was pulling out another piece of paper but I wasn’t paying any attention. I was looking at my Auden. We were both exchanging small loving looks.

“and our Female tribute is..” she unfolded the paper and I just kept my gaze on Auden.”Scout Armatta!” 

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