Its Just you and me, we never needed words

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So here it is

the epilogue you kids have been waiting for

so theres not much to say up here, theres a authors note at the end of this chapter so read it pretty please.

the song for this chapter is Adventure time by Orla Gartland, theres a link in the side



thanks so much guys

Hannah :3

7 Years Later

I sit on the porch of my big house in the victor village, leaning back in a chair with a newborn baby in my arms. I look down at her bright blue eyes like her fathers but my fiery hair in a small tuft on her head. She had only been in this world for a half hour and had yet to meet her father and sister who were out on the boat still.I had the doctor send word out for them to come home but it's unsure that it got to them already. This morning when i woke i had no idea that i would go into labor so i told Jaylah and Auden to go out and work anyways and i was slowly regretting that because i was so excited to see Audens face when he saw our daughter. I stared at her . her small eyes barely open and her hands reaching out for warmth. i huddled her into the warmth of the blanket more and pressed a loving kiss on her head.

"its alright baby girl, your daddy and sister will be here soon" i reassured her . Then i heard the sound of feet crushing gravel as they ran towards the house. I glanced up and saw my Auden sprinting towards me with long strides and a bright grin on his face. Jaylah was running behind but could not keep up with Audens face, but like her father she had a bright smile on her face.

"I can't believe i missed it ! i'm so sorry!" was the first thing auden said to me then he fell to his knees beside the chair i had been sitting in and looked at the tiny human in my arms. I couldn't help a giggle that was erupting in my chest to escape from my mouth

"its fine, all that matters is that she's here now." I say softly as i shift her in my arms and slide her into his arms. He holds her with such gentleness its unbelievable. he stares at her as if she can't be real. Jaylah comes and hugs me around my shoulders. She was now 13 and very small built with delicate features but she still resembled her brother incredibly. She had the bright , striking blue eyes and the dark brown hair all against pale skin. he would be proud of her if he could see her now, i know that i am. I hugged her thin waist and watched auden hold the baby.

"what was the girl name you chose again?" he asked in a small voice as if even talking to loud would make the baby disappear.

"Maggie" i say softly as i look up at Jaylah who's studying her little sister thoughtfully.

"baby Mags" auden chuckled and kissed the baby's head. I stared at him and then up at my daughter. Everything was perfect. Everything was how it was suppose to be.Its the happiest Ive ever been.



Alright so this is it!! this is the end


alright so i am goin got go through and eddit and add a bunch of filler chapters and things like that so its longer and i'm going to clean up all the spelling and grammar mistakes with help from reilly (ribbon_tied_lies) and alsoooo

as i previously mentioned me and her are going to do some colab writing so be looking out for that on our joint account ( YEAHReillyandHannah)

alright so please please please tell people about this story i need all the support i can get, it would be AWESOME <3.

its been such a great experience writing this with fans commenting ont he chaptters asking for more, it gave me hope for wanting ti be a writer and its really great of you all.

i hope you'll check out my other stuff and reread when editing is done

alright thanks

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