What are you so scared of?

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hey guys, i hope you like this chapter! it would be longer but ive been so busy recently! 

and then the song is what are you so scared of by Tonight Alive. 

and yes i did a song by them for the last chapter too but i like their songs 

so yiou just have to deal with it!



dedicated to my tiny human miss reilly 

k bye guys (:

As the sun rose over the arena I rose and started hiking around the arena in search of water. My mouth was dry and I didn’t have any food because the careers took all my packs that were at the camp. All I had left was my single trident and the clothes on my back and a pocket knife tucked carefully in my boot. I stopped once a familiar scent hit my nose. Water. I smiled softly and followed the smell until I could hear moving water. I saw a small stream and grinned as I ran down a hill to the fresh, cold water. I made a bowl with my hands and drank up all the water I could, letting a relieved sigh escape my mouth as I kept drinking.As I kept looking down at the water I could see something in the water changing . the color. A darker liquid was now in the stream and it  took me less than a second to realize that this dark liquid was blood. My eyes widened as I ran against the water towards where the blood was

coming from. As I neared the source I could hear a familiar voice .

“c’mon buddy, stay with me” The calm , sweet voice said. I rounded the corner and was instantly face to face with Brooks and being drug to the water in his arms was a unconscious Darren and he was obviously the source of the bloody water and might be the next victim in the games if he didn’t get cleaned up fast. Without a word I fell to my knees by Darren and helped brooks get him into the stream. Darren had a hole almost all the way through his abdomen and he was bleeding out fast.

“how did this happen?” I asked softly as I cleaned the wound with the crisp water. I could see Darren grimace even though he wasn’t awake. I met Brook’s gaze with mine and he looked at me guiltily and bit his lip hard for a few moments.

“careers attacked” Damn, they were killing off people fast. I nodded understandingly and sighed, cleaning the wound more .

“they got Grimm too” I stated and stood up “Darrens not going to make it brooks” I admitted sadly.i didn’t want to say it but it was true. Darren didn’t deserve to die this way. Or die at all. He was just a 12 year old boy who wanted to live his life. Brooks sighed and nodded in agreement.

“But we can't leave him here, we need to at least stay till he goes”I nodded in agreement,I wouldn’t have it any other way. I sat back onto the ground and pulled Darren onto the ground. He groaned in pain and I sighed. I gave him a quick kiss on his head and looked at brooks who looked devastated. I didn’t know much about Brooks but I did know he got attached to people quickly ,and he probably loved Darren like a little brother.I sighed softly and looked down at Darren just as he was taking his last breath. And with that he was gone. I felt horrible that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to him.Brooks grabbed a pack he had and hung it over his arm and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet and started walking quickly, dragging me behind

“we have to keep moving” a cannon sounded for Darren's death and I looked at brooks and the sad look that was on his face moments later had now changed into a look of anger. He was ready to kill all of the careers with his bare hands and with all the anger he had built up at this point, he probably could.I could probably do some damage too with my anger left from the death of Grimm;But now was no time to test that theory.I sighed a little bit as we trailed along for what seemed like hours. as we got closer to the meadow i let out a relieved sigh, finally i wouldn't have to worry about people attacking from the trees.Brooks was a ways behind, he stopped to gather some berries and check some traps he set.I step into the meadow and put my hand on a tree to keep balance when all of a sudden a sharp pain hits my shoulder. I let out a pain filled cry as i turn and see that one of bliss’s throwing knives was embedded in my shoulder. i quickly pulled it out, even though that caused even more pain to course through my body.Then Bliss appears as she scurries down a tree quickly, i should have taken the opportunity while her back was turned to throw my trident at her and kill her but the pain was too much to take. So i do the only logical thing i can think of at the moment, run. I run through the meadow as fast as i can and now i believe that staying in the forest would have been a better idea but it was too late for that now. A knife goes past my head , then another and i quickly  pick up speed. but then Bliss’s boot collided with my spine, i fell face first onto the ground and i can feel her pin me down with her knees on my shoulders.I can hear Brooks shouting my name loudly but i couldn't respond or i knew i would die. but what would be to bad about that? she was going to kill me anyways why not just cut it short.

“you were a hard one to catch district 4” Bliss panted, “I didn't think i’d get you so easily,but look at that, i did” she stated boastfully and slid a knife across the back of my neck “might as well make this quick, don’t want your gorgeous fiance at home to watch you suffer to much” i can feel her raise her hands to no doubt plunge the knife into my neck but just as she starts to bring her hand down , something stops her. a scream. a scream that was so hair raising and blood curdling it made me sick. it was the scream of a kid, i couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl but it was calling out her name. Bliss started to panic and run , trying to find the source of the voice. i stand quickly and grab my trident, smirking at how easily she gave up. but then i realize that this isn't only affecting her. Another scream rings out,Audens. My eyes widen and i take off in a run towards the voice

“AUDEN!?!?!” i scream as i look around frantically, his voice shrieks again, from another direction and i run instantly there. it was at the edge of the woods and i could see the thing that was making the dreadful sounds. It was not my auden but a bird,perched on a branch. it opened its beak again and let out a painful scream and i clamped my hands over my ears. it was a jabber jay, creatures created to repeat everything it hears in exact voices. everything it hears.. that means it's heard auden scream. i started to panic as i looked around, although you couldn't see cameras in the arena i knew they were everywhere so one had to pick me up when i yelled.

“WHERE IS HE?!?!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM!?” i screamed but the only thing that came in response were more of the screams. I fell to the ground,holding my hands over my ears tightly.I didn't know how long this would last but there was one thing i knew, it was going to be hell. i got up slowly and stumbled around, looking for bliss.She was about 30 yards away and on her knees with her hands covering her ears with her hands. i started to walk but another blood curdling scream rang out and i stumbled over, falling and hitting my head on something, causing me to see nothing but darkness and the screams faded out and the last thing i saw before i passed out was bliss throwing her head back and letting out a heartbreaking sob.

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