Living just to keep going, Going just to keep sane

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 Hey guys! I just want you to know that im going to be updating more 

exscpecially since schools going to be out soon!

so be looking forward to that!

and i also REALLY need feedback to know what i could be doing better

i hope you guys like the chapter! so let me knowww 

the song is tighten up by the black keys

and i loveee it 

the video is hilarious and yeah enjoyyy



When I wake I find it has become dark in the arena. The stars are speckled across the sky. I sit up and instantly realize just how sore I am. I still have the open wound on my shoulder and a head injury from falling. I sigh as I rake my hands over the grass, feeling for my trident but had no such luck. I slowly scramble to my feet and take in my surroundings. On the ground where I been laying there was blood stains in the grass. The meadow had now fallen silent and there was no sign of the evil birds or the evil human that was Bliss. Which was a bigger threat at the moment even though she only has sight in one eye from the awful cut I had given her previously. She was still a threat with how good her aim was . I gazed across the meadow, it was quite beautiful and if it were back in district four rather than in a death arena. I could see Auden and I spending our time here, having picnics with some of his mom's special seaweed bread and my moms’ prawn soup. We would lay back and talk about life and how our days had been. Recently though, me and him had been spending less time together. He started working for my father because my father was never sober enough to go out and fish and usually I had to stay in my families shop on the docks rather than fish with him. But every day he would meet me at closing time with that big toothy grin of his and walk me home.

            A yell of terror broke me from my wonderful thoughts and woke me up to reality. It didn't take long for me to notice it was Brooks. I saw him running from the woods. Not running from anything but running towards me. I whirled around and saw that Bliss was barrelling towards me with a knife in each hand. I quickly glance around the ground, looking for my trident but there was still no sign of it. I cursed under my breath and thought back to all of the training I had received in the capitol. As Bliss got closer I did the only think I could think of. I kicked her and my foot collided with her side and she stumbled back and hit the ground. She quickly whipped her arm up and one knife came swirling at me. I moved in barely enough time and sent another kick to her jaw. She groaned in pain and I got up to make a run for it, sprinting towards the trees. The only thing that stopped me was Brooks yelling out in pain. I quickly turn around but only to see Bliss stabbing her knife into Brooks’ body over and over again. Where did he come from? How did he get there so fast? I let a painful cry escape my mouth as Bliss’s cold eyes met mine. I turned around and ran towards the woods. If i fought her now I would lose, no doubt. I was too weak and unarmed. I had to wait until I was stronger and Bliss was weaker. I needed to get into the woods and find a place for shelter and food. I thought back to my past meals and where I had gathered them. Most of them were from Brooks because he set up nets and caught things but I had no idea where any of those nets are. I glanced around and took a deep breath. I had to get things straight in my head. Brooks was dead, I let him die. No, i couldn't allow myself to think that. At least not for now. He put his own life on the line to save me and I would forever be in debt to his family...if I made it out alive. I leaned back against a tree and stared down at the ground and bushes we here rooted close to the tree. peeking out from underneath, I saw a pack, Brooks pack. I quickly fell to my knees and pulled it from under the bush, looking through it. Nothing much was in it just a role of rope, a pocket knife and a small bag of dried meat, but it’ll be helpful though. I looked around and saw the sun rising through the trees. I needed to make a plan. Any plan to save my life and kill those who killed the ones I cared about. I slowly inched my way up a tree to a sturdy enough to sit on and leaned back,clinging to the trunk. I wasn't built to be climbing trees. I was meant to be swimming or on a boat, not up in the air. I pulled my pocket knife from my boot where it had been safely tucked away and clicked it open and used it to scrape some moss off of the branch.

           How many tributes were left? Bliss was obviously still alive and kicking. I made a notch in the branch. The district 3 girl was somewhere. Another notch. I continued to mark down every living tribute I could think of. In all, there were 6 left. My mind was instantly filled with ideas to get rid of them. I had never once pictured myself thinking like this. Killing people who were the same age as me? Plotting to give someone a painful death. It wasn't like me to do that. Originally I had been afraid to kill anyone, but now the thought of my opponents death gave me some kind of sick amusement. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps coming my way. I glanced down and saw the district 3 girl, Kilo, running. I smirked, this was just my luck. She was a good distance away so I had time to make a loop knot in the roop and subtly slipped it to the ground. She looked scared out of her mind. She kept looking back over her shoulder, someone must have been chasing her and they could not be far off. As soon as she came under the tree she stepped exactly where I wanted to. I pulled on the rope as hard as I could, it instantly wrapped around her ankle and I used all my weight and strength to pull. her body was pulled into the air and she let out a scream as she flailed around to get free. Like a dying fish, I thought to myself but I quickly cleared my mind of that thought. I didn’t want to start thinking of people as fish. I wanted to at least keep some of my sanity. I tied the end of the rope to a higher branch, leaving the girl dangling there. I took the remainder of the rope and jumped down from the tree and as soon as her eyes met mine she reached for the sword in her belt but I quickly snatched it away and tossed it aside for the moment. Uncoiling the rope the girl kept struggling against it, around her ankle. I took the rope and wrapped it around her arms and torso and tied it tight so she couldn't move whatsoever .

        “What the hell are you doing?!?!?” She demanded as she kept moving around as if she would magically get free. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how stupid she looked.

“Shut up, you're lucky i don't kill you now,” I snapped and search her for any other weapons but she didn't have any. I quickly gathered some wood and dried leaves and some matches that were in Brooks pack and lit a fire, sending clouds of smoke up into the sky that any tribute could see from miles away. Kilo’s eyes widened as she realized what I was doing. She squirmed more and I heard running footsteps coming from a ways away.

            “They’ll get you soon enough, stop trying.” I said and ran away until i was over a hill to where I was out of sight. It only took a few minutes until blood curdling screams broke out from where I had just left and another cannon went off. Did I feel bad? Only slightly. There was only 5 tributes left. Five more tributes to kill till I went home to my Auden.

A/N: next chapter up tonight or tomorrow! hope you guys enjoy this! and tell me what you think of it all and who your favorite character has been! ;) 

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