Hope You Always Believe , You Still Have All My Heart

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so this story only has like one chapter left which will be an epologue


but i have more stories coming out soon.

i have a 2 stories i will be writing with ribbon_tied_lies

and i am still finishing off the story i am writing with Jagkiera

and i have a few original ideas so yeah

so vote for us and comment

if you would be so kind

so the lyrics for this chapter are frmo the song All My heart by sleeping with sirens

amazing song

amazing band and yeah

a picture of scout on the bar

along with the video for the song

Enjoy kids


The first thought in my mind was today is the day.

the day i've been waiting and fighting for , for so long. I rise from bed in the victor village house and rub my eyes. i pull on some pants since i only slept in a T Shirt that belonged to auden. I make my way down the stairs and my ears are filled with the sweet sound of laughter. Jaylah was sitting up on the counter , looking over audens shoulder as he spread some butter over some toast for her

breakfast.Auden looked up as i entered the room and a bright smile graced his face .

“good morning Mrs. Livingston” I laughed softly and slid onto a stool at the island in the middle of our kitchen and laid my head down on the cool granite countertop.

“I’m not your wife yet , Auden” I smiled and a cup of tea was put in front of me. i sat up straight and lifted the cup to my lips and blew on the light steam that was rising from the hot liquid. He walked around behind me and hugged my waist.

“well you will be in a few hours” I nodded and sipped my warm tea. he looked at the clock and sighed, kissing my cheek “I have to go to work..” he announced quietly. i looked up at him and pouted but he just kissed my pouting lips and pulled on his jacket and slipped his boots on his feet. “i’ll see you in a few hours”  Jaylah spoke up for the first time that morning.

“daddy!” she recently got used to calling me and auden momma and daddy. it had been 5 months and she didn't know her real parents well so it was pretty easy for her to warm up. her and Auden were especially close because he reminded her of Grimm. “Can i come fishing with you??” she asked in her tiny innocent voice. her thin frame stood stubbornly on the counter with her slim arms crossed across her chest.Auden brought his gaze up to her and gave her a big hug and  lifted her off the counter and set her on the floor. he knelt down to her size.

“not today jay, in a few days i promise, ok?” he said in a fatherly tone causing jay to grin and smile.

“alright” she agreed.

“you gotta help your mommy get ready. its our big day”


I was walking down to the docks with a white dress training behind me. I was going to wear the same cream dress i wore for the reaping but avara insisted that she designed my whole wedding. Originally it was going to just be a small get together with me and Audens families but now most of the district was invited . I bit my lip as i walked with my arm looped loosely in Landons arm. The dress was strapless with lace around the top. it fell into a graceful white skirt that had more lace bordering the bottom. Under the dress i was wearing my fishing boots because it was one of the only pairs of shoes i actually enjoyed wearing.I was paranoid about how pale i looked against the white dress but there was nothing i could do about it because Auden insisted we had a white dress. i wanted one that would flatter me more but i guess if he thinks it looks good on me  then it must look good.

“you look beautiful today Scout” he said softly , keeping his eyes forward. we just had to walk over a hill and i would see my wedding. i would see my auden and he would see me.

“thank you” i said softly, inhaling a shaky breath

“why are you nervous?” he questioned and looked down at me with one of his eyebrows raised.

“what if he changes his mind?”

“changes his mind about what?” by this point Landed and i had stopped walking and Landed was looking down at me with questioning eyes.

“marrying me”  i stated. the words didn't sound so stupid in my head as they did outloud.

“are you stupid?” I laughed shakily

“i'm asking myself the same question”

“listen, Auden loves you with all of his heart. he wouldn't be able to live without you. he went through torchure in the capitol and yet he still loves you even more. hes loved you since you guys were 13 and 14 and he will love you till you're old and gross and nasty” he stated. i stared at him, studying his face.

“..who says i'm going to be nasty when i'm old?” i asked and he let out a loud laugh that reminded me much of his younger brothers.

“out of everything i just said is that seriously all you got out of it? that you're going to get nasty as you get older?”

“i'm not gonna get nasty!” i snapped and that only caused him to laugh harder

“just shut up and go get married” he started walking again, pulling on my arm and i followed eagerly. We rounded the top of the hill and i looked down to see my family and my friends had all gathered and were now looking up me as i walked down the docks to my future husband. As i got closer to him everything else faded away and it was just me and him. I walked up and turned to Landen and he gave me a hug and then i turned back to Auden. Ready to be his wife.


After the wedding , Auden and I went sailing on the boat since it was such a perfect day. i was still in my big wedding dress, pulling at the veil in my hair, trying to break it off. Auden hauled the anchor into the water and looked over at me.

“need help?” he asked  as he stared at me with an amused smile.

“no i can do it” he laughed and knelt in front of me and moved my hands down from my head.

“you don't have to be all independent anymore.. you have me” he whispered as he gently took out toe veil that was tangled in my hair.

“but i’ve always had you” i stated matter-of-factly. he looked up at me with his blue eyes. they were alive and the waves around us reflected off them so they looked like the ocean.

“yeah but now you have me forever” he reached down and took my hand that had a silver ring around my finger. he smiled and i grabbed his big calloused hand in my delicate small one and kissed his ring finger also. He just got a silver band. Normally at weddings was when you started wearing your rings but he had worn his since he got it a few days after the engagement. he had bought it off of a man who had lost his wife and was selling his ring. i don't understand why he would sell his ring but i guess it was a way of dealing with grief. but auden figured that that was the only place he could get a ring at the time. It was already pretty worn from him working on the boat so much. it had scrapes in it but it was still beautiful. My ring wasn't perfect either. it was missing a stone that had originally sat to the left of the main diamond and  it also had scrapes in it.. it wasn't perfect but it was perfect for us. I kissed auden softly and tangled my thin fingers in his hair

.” I like the sound of forever” i whispered against his lips. he grinned and let out a slight chuckle “how about forever and ever?” he offered. that only made me smile wider.

“even better”i agreed . And now i knew for sure that i would never lose the love of my life.

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