Hold me, feel my heart beat, Put your arms around me and kiss me again

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Hey guys!

i hope you guys like the new cover!!

the wonderful person i devoted this chapter too is the one who made it!

i personally LOVE it

give me feedback,yeah?

the song is Kiss me Again by we are the in crowd ft. (the most beautiful man on the planet) Alex Gaskarth

The picture is  of Johnny depp and thats how i picture president montgomery! 


im still wanting to get more into the watty awards

it'll be hard because thers a lot of other fanfics out there but if you guys could give me votes and comments and things it'd be AWESOME

and i'd love you all


alright i think thats about it

enjoy the chapter!


I watched as Auden's body fell to the floor and i felt my heart tear. I frowned and tears erupted over my eyes and down my cheeks. I started running but two peacekeepers grabbed my arms and held me back. “AUDEN!!” i screamed and fought against the grips of the peace keepers. I looked back at Landen frantically and he was also being held back  from his little brother.A loud laugh filled the room and i quickly turned and looked at the president who had a cruel smirk settled on his lips. “let him go!!!” i shouted angrily as my eyes met his again. the bright blue eyes that were once so bright and full of life were dull and filled with pain. he tried to get up but was quickly kicked over again. I winced and looked at the president once more.

“not till i know that you’re not going to cause the capitol any trouble” he said wickedly. i looked between him and my husband to be and slowly stood straight, squaring my shoulders bravely and looking the president in the eye.

“I will do anything, for you to let him go”i stated and he laughed and nodded.

“alright victor here’s what's going to happen. you are going to go back to your little district of yours and only return to the capitol for formal parties and things like that. at those parties you are to be escorted at all times and you are not to speak out or speak and against the capitol, are we understood? if you do something wrong, even give a capitol citizen a dirty look. we will kill him.” he said sternly with his cold eyes landing on Auden. i nodded a little bit and sighed with defeat.

“ok” i agreed and the president nodded “good choice girl, now we’re going to send your little boyfriend here to the infirmary for a little to get him some basic fixes for his wounds then you will be sent home. your Victor tour starts in a week” he said and we were all dragged from the room and lead to the infirmary. The walk over was silent  except for auden wincing in pain with every step he took. i wanted to run and hold his hand and hug and kiss him, telling him that everything was going to be ok . i wanted to tell him i was sorry for causing all of this to happen but that wasnt going to happen until we were left alone by these damn peacekeepers. I sighed and looked down at the white marble floor as i  was lead down the hall. tears rolled down my cheeks and hit the floor silently. it seemed like hours before we had arrived in the infirmary and auden was laid face down on a table as a capitol doctor started doing some odd procedure on his back. i knelt down beside him and held his hand softly. Auden turned his head and looked up at me and tears filled his eyes.

“my baby girl” he choked out and put his large calloused hand on my cheek. i smiled and leaned my head into his hand and put my hand over his  and pressed a kiss on his wrist.”you won” he whispered to me and a smile played on his lips and i nodded.

“I had to win so i could come home and be your wife” I responded as tears rolled down my cheeks once again. his thumb moved and ran over my cheek, moving the tears away

“no more crying, it's happy time now” he comforted “we get to go home.. and have our wedding.. my mom already started planning with yours” he stated and i grinned.

“really?” i asked and he nodded.

“mmhmm, everyone thought that you were going to win. we all knew you were one of the strongest people out there in the arena...” he said softly and i grinned and kissed his head.a strong hand laid on my shoulder and i looked back to see Landon standing over me. he pointed back to a table that had food on it.

“you go get some food while i have a word with my brother?”I thought a moment before giving Landon a slow nod. i kissed audens knuckles once and rose, walking over and dishing up some food on a plate. It was fish with a thick creamy sauce  over it. i smiled and just smelt it. the saltiness of the fish reminded me of home. i turned back towards the men who were talking in a hushed tone . i leaned back against the wall and ate absentmindedly . i was straining to hear what they said but didn't hear anything clear enough.After about 5 minutes Landon rose up to his feet and walked over to me and looked down at me “i'll go gather everything..we’ll be out of here in a few hours” he stated then i replied with a nod and scurried back to Auden's side. he grinned

“hows it looking back there?” he asked, referring to his back that was still covered in pink whip marks but it was  still healing and the doctor had told me that it was all they could do at the time. but i was still in shock that they got the marks down to that so quickly. Audent still had some  bruises all over him but he was better.

“good” i admitted with a grin and he sat up  slowly and groaned with pain softly but still wrapped his long strong arms around me and pulled me to his chest and planted a long kiss on the top of my head.

“i'm so proud of you” he whispered honestly and kissed my forehead , then my nose and finally he planted a warm kiss on my lips. “i love you” he breathed out and i just smiled.

“i love you too” i said softly, just happy to finally be in his arms

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