The number, they call you by name

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ok guys i saw the hunger games the night it came out at midnight premere and it was amazing! so i changed a few things because now i actually had a visual but its nothing copying from the book or movie sooo no need to worry there! 

vote/comment / favorite if you like it!

i like feedback

if it sucks tell me

if its good tell me

i like to know

the song is Dont fall asleep at the helm by Sleeping with Sirens

ok bye :3


After we watched the rest of the reaping videos  I went straight to bed. I stripped down to only undergarments and laid in bed with out being able to get any sleep . In the morning I’m greeted by my prep team first thing. They rave on and one about how training will be. It wasn’t long until Ares took notice to my ring. I, myself had been trying to forget about Auden so I wouldn’t be so emotional. I just nodded at all of the questions they asked about him. They wanted to know everything. How long we knew each other. When he proposed. How he proposed. How I feel about him. The list goes on and on. Once I was dressed I was taken to the dinning car where everyone was sitting around the table and wearing almost the same thing as me. Black Pants, A Black shirt with their district number on the chest , black combat boots and a red belt. I sat down at the edge of the table where no one else was sitting  and ate a simple breakfast of oatmeal and berries. I popped a blueberry into my mouth and sat back as someone sat by me, I looked up to see it was bliss. She had a small smirk settled on her lips

            “So, who was that boy you ran to at the reaping video” she ran her finger tops around the rim of my glass of milk. I looked down and sighed.

            “His name is Auden, my fiancé” I muttered coldly, she nodded slowly and leaned back  in her seat and looked at me.

“oh, well he’s cute. I might have to pick him up on the victory tour to be my personal little boy toy.” She stated, just trying to get  on my nerves. I clenched my fists in my lap and closed my eyes, I didn’t dare look at her. I didn’t want to see the evil look I knew she had on her face. She gasped softly and clapped her hands together. “or even better! I’ll have him sent to the capitol! I bet he’d make a wonderful avox!” she announced excitedly. My eyes shot open and I rose to my feet and slammed my fist on the table.

            “AS SOON AS WE STEP INTO THAT ARENA YOU WILL BE THE FIRST I KILL! DON’T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MY AUDEN!!” I blurted out and ran out once I saw everyone’s eyes on me. I heard footsteps behind me timidly so I quickened my pace but the person, whoever it was, caught up and grabbed my arm and yanked me back into their arms. I just sobbed into his chest hoping this was  someone I actually knew. For all I knew it could be another tribute who would want something in return for ‘comforting’ me in this fragile state  I was in. Or even worse it could be Landen who would only make fun of me for the rest of my short life. Finally a familiar voice beckoned down to me.

            “you ok?” yes, I am just fine. Some career just threatened the man I love and I screamed at her and ran out crying. Im just dandy. I looked up  at brooks and his blue eyes were staring down into my green eyes. I shook my head honestly to him and he scooped me up in his arms and carried me down the hall to my room and laid me in my bed. I hugged my pillow slightly.

            “don’t listen to Bliss.  No one thinks she’s gonna win, only she does” he said with a kind smile , I just sat there silently for a few minutes before standing and looking out the window, watching landscape fly by.

Sinking Slowly -a Hunger Games FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now