It could be for the last time and its not right

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hey guys the song for this chapter is lullabies by all time low

its a great song and the lyrics fit for the chapter title also

so yeah enjoy the chapter and votes and comments are loveeeed


My heart stopped but that didn’t stop me from running. I jumped over the rope boundaries and shoved past some people only to run straight into Auden’s arms. I sobbed into his chest with a grip on him , not showing any intention of ever letting go. His arms wrapped around me tightly .

“Don’t let me go!” I begged as I sobbed. He just kissed my head and clung to me. It wasn’t long before the peacekeepers came and started to drag me away. I kicked and screamed and fought with every ounce of strength I had. I couldnt let this happen, i couldnt be taken away from him. I couldnt. I reached my arms out in Auden’s direction for any kind of help people would offer. Everyone Just stared at me with sad and sympathetic looks but no one offered any help to either of us.Auden started to run towards me put more peacekeepers pulled him in the opposite direction.Our eyes locked for a small moment and i let out a blood curling scream in hopes that it would somehow help. But i had no luck. auden kept trying to come into my direction but the peacekeepers eventually just shoved him to the ground hard enough to knock him out and then they dragged his heavy limp body away.  I screamed more and I was thrown onto the platform of wood by Harriette who stared at me as if i was some kind of freak or as if i was ruining her image.Everyone in the crowd started whispering and I was held there only to watch Auden being pulled away.. Tears stung cheeks as Harriett just flashed a bright, Artificial smile and wrapped her hand around my thin arm. her long fake nails that were painted in bright colors dug into my pale skin. she yanked me to my feet and pushed me to stand next to brooks. I glanced up at him and frowned. he had tears in his eyes but he was forcing himself not to let them fall.        “District 4, your tributes!”Harriete announenced in her annoying high pitched voice which only seemed innapropriately cheery for the moment.Then we are ushered inside well, brooks was ushered, I was practically carried, still crying  for Auden. I was put in a room and it locked behind me. I stood slowly and shakily and looked around it. It was beautiful, silk curtains draped over a giant window and there were velvet seats to sit on and beautiful paintings hanging on the walls. I sat down on one of the seats and wiped my eyes. I tried to not think about what was going on . I focused on little things around the room such as tiny scrapes on the wooden floor or a picture slightly off center. I tried to think of what life would be like without the games.The thought stings at first but once i forget whats going on it makes me crack a small smile. If there were no games I would probably be out on the boat with Auden still and we could just be having a good time laughing and joking around and just being happy.But a pounding on the door brought me back to reality . It was time for farewells. The final last minutes I get with my loved ones before I was sent away. I had to stay strong for them though. Show them I was  confident in winning even though deep down I knew I was going to die a horrible death.

           The door opens and my mom, Hendrix and little Dillon walked in. Dillon ran to me and jumped into my arms although I could barely hold him since he had gotten so big. he  was 6 now but was big built and muscular from working on the boat with me and Hendrix and Sometimes Auden. “please don’t go sissy” He cried and clung to me. I kissed his head gently and looked down at him. He was so small and so innocent with his big green eyes that resembled mine so closely. he had a feathering of freckles across his nose and cheeks  and long dark eyelashes that were holding back his small tears.

           “I’ll be back” I whispered and he smiled a little bit “and guess what, I’ll even bring you something special from the capitol” I said, that caught his attention and he smiled wide .“Really??” He grinned and I nodded.

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