I Held Hands With The Enemy

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hey guys! sorry it took me forever ! to respond!

so this story is coming to an end soon i guess. a few more chapters.

like 5-6? and an epilogue!

so pleasee tell me what you think!

i am going to try and enter it in the watty awards for fan fiction

might as well, right? but i need help!!

so if you guys could recommend it to others it would be AWESOME and i'd love you forever!

the song is Teenage Scream by Thats Outrageous!

only the beggining really reminds me of ittt 

also! im giving the dedication toooo SarahNaomiMatthers!

shes my most recent fan and most recent comment on the story!!

ok hers another thing, I'm thinking about getting a new cover! so if someone out there wants to make me a cover just message me being all

'yo gurl i wanna make you a covaaa'

no jk don't say it like that i'd probably slap you but still

just message me and yeah!! thanks so much guys




I had won.I had made it out alive. I was going to see my Auden soon. I was going to finally be safe and happy. All those thoughts were filling my mind as i sat up in the all white room on a table. I reached up to my head to feel the lump that had been there since the arena but it was nowhere to be found.Moments later the double doors slid open and my prep team walked in. Avara was the first to jump and hug me tightly in her arms. She beamed and put her hands on both sides of my face and grinned

“I can't believe you won!!” she giggled brightly and hugged me again. Ares laughed softly.

“I can, she's a bad ass av” he said quietly. Avara pulled away and nodded

“well that's true but still, i was so worried that Bliss girl was going to win and god knows what would have happened if she did” she stated in a dramatic tone and pulled out a dress bag

now honey, i got this for-” i quickly cut her off and blurted out.

“when can i see Auden? soon right? like today??” i asked enthusiastically but she just smiled sadly.

“no .. not today.. you have the recap interview. and i have the perfect dress for you” she exclaimed, changing the subject. I sighed helplessly and pretended to listen as she held up the dress and different pairs of shoes for me and described how i would look. i stared at a blank spot on the wall until avara waved her hand in front of my face frantically.

“huh what?” i stammered.

“did you hear what i asked you?” she demanded with a hand on her hip. I looked at Ares and Apollo for help but they were both distracted by other things. I shook my head to Avara and she rolled her eyes and i guess she repeated what she said in the first place.”you’re going to wear a white dress, but to make it look better we’re gonna have to cut your hair.” she said and Grabbed some scissors and a comb “that's fine , right?” I nodded slowly, not caring about anything anymore. i just wanted my Auden.

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