we're still so young

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Hey guys so on the side theres a picture of josh duhamel and thats how i picture landen!

so yeah hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

the song doesnt really fit the chapter accept for the line i used for the title

but its the only difference by panic at the disco



Landen Livingston

My mentor .not only that but a constant reminder that the man I love, his little brother, is waiting for his fiancé to return, which will eventually happen but I’ll most likely be a corpse. I sat down in a chair by brooks and look at him then at Landen who was laughing softly.His eyes lit up the same way that Auden’s did when he was happy about something, i feared that i would never see those gorgeous eyes again on my Audens face. Auden a

nd Landen had similar facial build with sharp cheekbones and jawlines

           “aren’t you suppose to be my sister-in-law by now? Has my kid brother still not grown up enough to propose? “He asked with a little more laughing. Trying to lighten the mood. I just rolled my eyes and looked away from him. Landen shook his head and looked between me and Brooks. “You guys have met right?” He asks. I looked at the boy, he was tall and thin but was obviously a fisherman. It was only obvious though because he had the fisherman homemade tattoos on his arm. It’s something some fisher came up with years ago. He somehow figured out how to cause perminent tattoos by using this type of plant found  by our ocean and a fishing hook. He had a design of a rope around his bicep. My brother had a similar but his looked like a chain. I had always wanted to get one but I knew it would only cause my mother to get angry and the last thing she needed was more stress. I studied him more; he had sandy dark hair and sea green eyes. I racked my memory for who he was. I had seen him before. Then it hit me.

“You’re the Mayor's son” I stated, brooks looked at me and nodded.

           “And your Hendrix’s kid sister, me and him were in the same class” I nodded a little and Landen started speaking again

           “Great, We all know each other” he looked at Harriette “oh and this is the capitols little princess, Harriette. And we have the displeasure of having to have her with us on this road to hell, She's going to be telling us where to go and nag us when we’re late-“

           “Actually!” Harriette interrupted in her little too happy voice, She stood and walked over to him, shooting him a glare and pushing him out of his place at the head of the table “I’m The district 4 planner, I make sure you don’t make your district look bad, unlike landen who already has on multiple occasions” She sat back down and held up a tablet with a screen and read it “Today we’re stopping at each district to pick you your fellow tributes!” oh joy, we get all the people who have to die within the next few weeks. And the people who could very well kill me. “Once on hey way to the capitol we will re-watch all of the reapings then we will be at the training venter in the morning. And in the morning you start your training, be prepared” she rose to her feet “and dinner is in an hour, you’ll meet your prep team either before or after just depending on when they show up” she said and walked out but peeked her head back in “don’t be late” she warned then walked out. I bit down on my lip and glanced around the room. Its silent for a few moments until someone speaks, its brooks

           “Well…” he started. “Isn’t she charming?” he said, eyebrow raised, looking between me and Landen. Landen shook his head slightly and chuckled.

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