1. Most Wanted Criminal

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"Alright, Yoongi remember there should only be three members in the house. Kill just them."

"look, I know what I'm doing." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Really? Because last time you killed five too many people! You were only supposed to kill three of them, and you still didn't kill the right people!" Hoseok screamed through the earpiece making an unpleasant sound on the other end.

"A guy makes one mistake and you never let it go." Yoongi rolled his eyes."But for real this time. Can you please enlighten me on who these people are. I'd at least like to know something about the people I'm killing and why I get to kill them."

"The Park family. Dangerous people according to the profile. They've stolen money, kidnapped, tortured and many other dirty things. Is that good enough for you?" Hoseok bluntly told the older boy.

"Tch. You made me fly all the way to America in Seokjin hyungs secret jet for this!?" Yoongi grimaced.

"You're basically an assassin. It's your job. Even though Seokjin won't let you use his jet on the way back home. He wants you to figure it out I guess." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Could you at least give me more details about the ages, defensive skills and such." Yoongi ordered through the earpiece.

"Fine. Fine. Just give me a second." Hoseok started looking through papers until he found what he was looking for." Ahah! Well two adults in their early forties. And their son, younger than you and me. He seems like he's pretty innocent, but Seokjin hyung told me to just make sure you kill the whole family." Hoseok frowned at that.

"Well I have to do it so no need to get depressed." Yoongi coldly said through the other end.

"I know that! But, this boy looks like innocents definition to me. His profile doesn't have anything bad in it except for what his family did. I don't even think the boy knows about what his family has done." Hoseok stated.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover. The kid could be the pure definition of  disaster too." Yoongi stood in front of a decent sized house now.

"I'm here." Yoongi Spoke softly.

"Well, good luck and be safe. Oh and uh could you do me a favor?" Hoseok questioned.

"Sure, make it quick." Yoongi replied.

"I don't care how you'll kill the two adults painfully slow or not but, could you please make it quick for the young boy?" Hoseok whispered.

"I'll do my best. Bye, Hoseok." Yoongi ended their call.


Jimin cuddled in with his blanket not wanting to move an inch. He jumped at the sound of the doorbell, rolling his eyes at himself for being so scared of a sound effect. Jimin figured his parents would answer it so he stayed snuggled up with his blanket. His thoughts were jumping from every corner of his mind. Most not important. His future was something he liked to dream about not think about. Where he was right now and how things were between him and his parents, that's what made him scared to think about his future but dreaming was a different story. Jimin was interrupted From his thoughts when he heard a piercing scream from down stairs. Jimin sat up quickly.

He slowly got off of his bed not wanting to make a single sound just to make sure he didn't miss something. Nothing was to be heard. Was his mind playing tricks on him. He walked closer to the door. The sudden sound of Mrs. Parks screams filled the house Along with shouts coming from Jimin's father. Jimin's eyes widened. He placed his hand shakily on the doorknob. He twisted the doorknob painfully slow. Once the door was cracked open he poked his head through the door not able to see anything suspicious yet.

"E-Eomma?" Jimin's voice was shaky.

He was now creeping down the stairs quietly and slowly. He stopped when he heard his mother cry bloody murder along with sounds of stabbing. Jimin's eyes widened. For what felt like the longest time he couldn't move. Once he got a hold of his senses again he slowly crept to the end of the hallway. Once he turned the corner he could have sworn everything in his body stopped working. His mother and father laid there dead. A bloody mess on the floor. Jimin wasn't the slightest bit bothered by, the gruesome sight in front of him. He was more bothered by the fact that someone was in his house, someone who was most likely going to kill him next.

"Awe. You must be Jimin. Sorry you had to see this." Jimin whipped his head around to see a boy with blonde hair pointing at his now dead parents.

Jimin didn't know what to say at first. "W-Who are you?" He finally spoke.

"Min Yoongi. Most wanted criminal. Part of an assassination hideout thing. We only kill the bad guys." Yoongi sat on a stool in the kitchen facing Jimin.

"So you're not going to kill me?" Jimin had the slightest bit of hope.

"Sadly that's not the case." Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin's face turned pale. As much as he would like to see great things in this world now that his parents were dead he wouldn't be able to. Even if his parents hadn't died he still wouldn't have been going anywhere. Jimin looked at the blonde boy as he got off the stool and walked closer to Jimin. Jimin would be lying to himself if he were to say the other male wasn't good looking. But, right now wasn't the time or that.Yoongi paused in front of Jimin.

"Any last words?" Yoongi smiled. To Jimin it was a sweet smile, as if he cared not a psychotic type of smile.

"Yes, actually." Jimin looked at his feet.

"Well go ahead share them, I have most of the time in the world." Yoongi spoke.

"If I'm going to die at least let me choose where I die." Jimin looked back at the other older male.

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