10. Stay with me

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Recap: But, their plan might just work if they play their cards right.

The days have seemed to go by faster to Jimin's dislike. Only one more night before their plan would be played. He was a nervous wreck. He had troubles sleeping and it was irritating for him. As much as he told himself to relax it just wouldn't work. It made him extremely frustrated and not to mention crabby. He tried his best to calm down but, it wasn't working very well. He even took out some of his anger on Yoongi. He felt more than guilty afterwords continuously saying sorry. Even if the older accepted his apology he still beat himself over it. No one deserves to have someone else's anger taken out on them. Jimin should know more than anything.

It was 8:15 pm when Jimin looked at the clock. He sighed before sitting up in the guest bed. The boys seemed to be living in the same building that they work in. They had a spare room for Jimin since Jungkook decided to sleep with Taehyung. They thought Jimin would want his alone time and privacy after everything that's happened. As sweet as that is Jimin wanted the exact opposite of that. He wanted the warmth of someone else by his side. He wanted the closeness he had with Yoongi on the boat.

Jimin bit his lip thinking of what to do for the remaining time before he went off to sleep. Twas the night before the dreadful day of Jimin's past few nightmares. He would wake up panting and almost on the verge of tears. Jin had made it sound like nothing bad was going to happen but, Jimin still had this unsettling feeling about it all, much to his discomfort.

Jimin wore black shorts that could easily be mistaken for boxers with a bigger white t-shirt. The hem of his shirt met at the middle of his thighs. His brown hair was slightly curly from the aftermath of taking a shower.

A small knock came from Jimin's door. He immediately hopped off of his bed and opened the door. He smiled once he saw Hoseok.

"Hey small fry, we're all going to watch a movie, wanna join?" Hoseok smiled brightly.

Jimin's eye slightly twitched at the nickname. "Sure."

Hoseok lead Jimin Into the living room where everyone else was. Once Jimin spotted Yoongi sitting in the loveseat he smiled and went to sit next to him.

"Hey short stuff." Yoongi looked down at Jimin.

"Hey, grandpa." Jimin smiled to himself.

"You little-"

"What movie do you guys want to watch? We have Snow white, cinderella-"

"Jin look, I know you like princesses and all but, we are not watching a movie about them." Namjoon sighed.

Jin slouched on the floor while pouting. "You're no fun. What do you want to watch then?"

"Zootopia!" Hoseok shouted.

Everyone looked at him. "I heard there's a bunny that looks like Jungkook in it. I want to see it for myself." Hoseok shrugged.

"Is that okay with you guys?" Jin asked.

Everyone agreed into watching the movie since there didn't seem to be anything better to watch. Jin shut the lights off and took his seat next to Namjoon.

Every Time the bunny would show up in the movie, Hoseok would always make a comment about it being Jungkook. "Oh look it's-"

"Hoseok, I swear to god if you say that one more time!" Jungkook glared at the other boy.

"Shut up and watch the movie." Jin scolded.

Halfway through the movie Jimin's eyes couldn't stay open probably due to the lack of sleep from last two nights. He tried his best to stay awake but, that plan obviously failed. He ended up falling asleep snuggling next to Yoongi. Yoongi didn't care in the slightest bit. He enjoyed the youngers warmness.


Once the movie was over everyone seemed to be half asleep. Yoongi tried the best to keep his eyes open. He shook Jimin's shoulder in attempt to wake him up.

"Jimin, wake up." Yoongi yawned.

No response.

Yoongi frowned. "Jimin."

No response.

"Jimin, you lazy- uh just wake up already." Yoongi groaned.

Jimin squirmed around next to Yoongi. The older just groaned before getting up and surprisingly picking up Jimin -bridal style- with ease. Jimin was surprised by his actions and gasped. His arms wrapped around the older's neck by reflex.

"W-What are you doing?" Jimin stuttered.

"Taking your lazy bum to bed." Yoongi said tiredly.

"Cute!" Taehyung and Hoseok chimed together.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes before walking into the hallway filled with closed bedroom doors. Once Yoongi made it to Jimin's room he threw the younger onto his bed. Jimin laughed at Yoongi's crabby behavior.

"Awe, why is grandpa crabby?" Jimin whined teasingly.

"you know what I'm just going to go to bed." Yoongi began to leave.

"No, stay with me." Jimin spoke out before looking down at the white bed sheets underneath him.

"Why? Is little Jiminie having trouble sleeping?" Yoongi teased.

"Yes, actually."

Yoongi's eyes softened at the boy's statement. "I keep having these nightmares it sounds cheesy but, it's true. Hence why I've been a pain in the butt lately with my crabby attitude." Jimin lightly chuckled.

Jimin was surprised when the lights shut off. It was rather quite. He had thought the other blonde boy had left him. Jimin couldn't help but, feel hurt. It didn't seem like something Yoongi would do but, Jimin's brain was so set on the thought that the older had left him.

"Make room for grandpa, shorty." Yoongi's voice traveled through the dark room.

Jimin's eyes widened before he slowly moved over making enough room for Yoongi. Once Yoongi was in the bed Jimin laid down slowly still looking at Yoongi who now had his eyes closed. The moonlight that emitted from the only window in the room represented the older's face beautifully in Jimin's eyes. It made him feel like he was in the presence of someone that was more than too good for him. And he knew he was.

"Good night, Jimin." Yoongi whispered.

Jimin for some reason couldn't stop looking at the older just as much as he couldn't stop thinking about him. Yoongi had helped Jimin in so many ways. He saved his life. He was going through all of this for him. Jimin didn't even realize that his eyes started to blur from his newly formed tears. He didn't know why he was crying. He wasn't sad just happy. So happy it brought him to tears? That's half of it. Even if that was it there was still a tunnel inside him that was filled with sorrow. That was the other half.

An arm wrapped around Jimin's small waist pulling him towards the blonde. Jimin tried to stay as quiet as possible, but it wasn't all that easy. A human wasn't meant to cry in silence. That's why sobs are heard and small hiccups. To abandon the quiet so we go through less emotional pain. Silence can stab you in more than one way, but it stabs you the most when you're at your worst.

A hand that belonged to Yoongi was placed on the back of Jimin's head pushing him into his chest more. Jimin couldn't hold back his sobs of sorrow mixed with happiness, anger, and so many more mixed emotions that he couldn't keep together.

Yoongi only stayed silent through the process. He somehow understood how the younger boy felt, but the difference is when this happened to Yoongi, no one was there for him. No one at all. Yoongi wanted someone to be there for Jimin. He was going to be there for Jimin. No matter what happened. Till the very end.

"Th-thank you." Jimin cried out.


I actually like how this chapter ended. Sorry for the sadness, don't hate me. If you don't hate me already you're bound to hate me fore these next few chapters. 

In these next few chapters we're going to have a road of problems. This is just a warning. Thank you so much for the support it means a lot.

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