16. It's okay

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Recap: Jimin through a smile on and nodded his head. He was finally getting out of this place.

The sound of chatter filled Jimin's ears along with the sound of clinking glasses and silverware. The four boys went out to eat at a restaurant like Jin had promised. It was quite at the table since they were shoving food in their mouths. Jimin ate little due to a loss of his appetite. The thought of eating while you some how have a hole inside of you that's still healing isn't all that appealing.

"Jiminie how-" Jin was cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

He picked up his phone and checked who was calling, but didn't answer. "Who was that hyung?" Jungkook asked leaning over the table to steal something off of Hoseok's plate, but was quickly slapped on the hand for doing so.

"Namjoon. He's been calling me basically every hour." Jin shook his head.

"Maybe if you answered he would stop calling you?" Hoseok lifted an eyebrow.

Jin scowled at the younger boy for being so oblivious as to why Namjoon called him every hour. Once Hoseok finally realized, his mouth formed into an 'o' shape. Jungkook face palmed himself. "Hoseok, what am I ever going to do with you?"

Jimin snickered at the three males smiling lightly not sure what they were getting at himself. "Jimin, are you going to eat that?" Seokjin pointed to the food that laid on the youngers plate.

"Nope, it's all yours." Jimin pushed the plate towards Seokjin.

After the boys finished eating they decided they would head back to the office.

The sun was setting creating a beautiful scenery in the city. Jimin watched each car go by as they drove. It was rather quiet in the car but it wasn't a back stabbing quiet. It was peaceful in some magical way.

Once they arrived at the office they all got out of the car. Jimin just listened to Jin yell at Hoseok for slamming his car door too hard. Jungkook shook his head at the two. "What are we actually going to do with them?"

"Good question." Jimin chuckled.

The boys opened the door to the office and headed into the main room Jungkook and Jimin behind the two still bickering boys. But the bickering and carefree attitude subsided rather quickly as both Jin and Hoseok stopped walking once they reached the main room, their bodies tense.

"What's the hold up?" Jungkook asked. "You were just bickering a second ago."

Jimin giggled shortly before walking around the two with Jungkook to see what the big deal was. Jimin's eyes widened and his own body had become tense. Curled up on the couch was a bruised and cut Yoongi. The boy had black hair. It was no longer blonde. He looked different yet the same.

"Jin!" Namjoon spoke entering the room with Taehyung.

Taehyung took a quick glance at Jimin and followed his gaze to Yoongi. "Why didn't you call me?" Jin hissed.

"I did," Namjoon stated sternly.

Jin stayed quiet because the younger had indeed called him, and more than once. "I'm sorry-"

"What happened to him?" Jimin's gaze never left Yoongi's pale looking face.

"The other assassination groups. They got him. Luckily he ran away," Namjoon answered truthfully.

Taehyung shot him a glare. "What? I'm not going to lie to him. He deserves to know."

Silence filled the room. Jimin's face wasn't readable and no words seemed right for the atmosphere. Looks were shared between the six boys. Scared looks. The silence was growing menacingly quick into a feeling of despair. A feeling to escape, but that wasn't going to happen.


"I'm fine." He spoke firmly before his voice turned into nothing more than a whisper. "Really I am. I feel fine."

Hoseok decided to leave the room thinking it was best if Jimin stayed by himself for awhile. Everyone else seemed to agree with that. Jin was the last to leave. He was hesitant at first. "Jimin..."

The younger smiled lightly and nodded at the older boy as if reassuring him. Jin returned the smile and left Jimin and sleeping Yoongi alone. The atmosphere had turned cold - menacing, again. Jimin wasn't sure what his motives were. But when he saw Yoongi begin to squirm in his sleep like he was having a nightmare something changed. He didn't know how or why, it just did.

"I'm sorry." The older whispered, not to Jimin directly or anyone else. He was indeed having a nightmare. Jimin walked over to the couch next to the one Yoongi was nuzzled on and laid there quietly.

Jimin wasn't sure how he felt, or how he should feel. He didn't want to punch Yoongi. He didn't want to hurt him. His train of thoughts were all jumbled up. He was confused, nervous, scared, tempted. So many words to describe how the boy was feeling that made just one not enough.

Jimin closed his eyes and laid his hands on his stomach. He took a deep breath. He stayed still not moving an inch. It felt nice being able to see the older again, Jimin had thought. But what happens when he wakes up. When they both wake up. Would he just leave again? Or will he stay? Will he be mad? Or will he smile? Jimin frowned.

The boy let out a long, but silent sigh. "It's okay."


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and again thank you all so much for the votes and comments. It means a lot to me.😊

I may or may not be working on another book for you guys🙄👀 idk it's possible.

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