17. Soon

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Recap: The boy let out a long, but silent sigh. "It's okay."

Jimin woke up with a startle. He wasn’t sure what noise woke him up, but it was loud enough to wake the once sleeping boy. “Ah, sorry Jimin. I didn't mean to wake you,” Taehyung apologized.

“I was just going to check up on Yoongi and his wounds.”

“It’s fine.” Jimin sat up.

The brown haired boy stretched his arms and legs before standing up. The sudden sound of the door bell filled the room. Taehyung and Jimin both looked towards the door silently. They stayed that way for a while.

“Uhm. . . I’ll get it.” Jimin walked over to the door.

“Thanks Jimin.” Taehyung smiled.

It was an odd feeling Jimin had that laid in the pit of his stomach. He didn’t like it though. It was bothersome. He decided to push the feeling away and unlocked the door to see two men who looked horrifically familiar.

“You again?” One of them spoke. “Weren’t you supposed to be dead?”

That’s when he remembered just exactly who they were. Rage surged through every corner of Jimin’s body. He could feel his own blood boiling. “Weren’t you supposed to leave us be?” Jimin snapped.

“Feisty little guy huh?”

“What do you want?” Jimin snarled.

“I think you know what I want little boy.” The boy who was much taller than Jimin took a step closer.

“There's no business that needs to be done.” Jimin was about to close the door but was stopped by a foot.

“Ah-ah-ah, that’s not how it works.”

Jimin watched as the man pulled out a gun. “Don’t make do things the hard way.”

Jimin stayed silent. “All I want is your pretty little boyfriend and then we can all live happily every after.” He snarled.

“Shut up,” Jimin mumbled.

“Why is that hitting a nerve? Did poor old Yoongi shut you out, did he. . . forget about you, Jimin?”

“I said shut up, do you need a hearing aid!” Jimin shouted a d grabbed the gun and faced it downwards. He pulled the trigger.

Footsteps from behind him were heard but he didn’t care. The young boy had shot him in the foot. Jimin’s never done anything like that, but the rush he felt inside him was enough to trigger a gun.“Think next time before you come back, you no good piece of garbage.”

Jimin took the gun and pointed it at both of them who now looked as if they’ve seen a ghost. They ran off, or tried too since Jimin had shot one of them in the foot. Once they were out of sight, Jimin through the gun outside.

Jimin hadn’t even noticed he was crying. He could could care less at this point. The stinging sensation started again in the place it had always been. His chest. And it hurt so bad.

Jimin turned his head to look behind him. Taehyung was there with mixed expressions on his face along with Yoongi who didn’t know what to do in the youngers presence, especially after what happened.

Jimin didn't say a word, he just left. His thoughts were running like a mad dog. It felt like he was out of control. Not out of anger. It was something he couldn’t describe. Something he couldn’t ever explain with words. But he understood it somehow.

It was dark out, the only light source being the street lamps on the side of the road. The air was cold and the moonlight shined brightly down on the earth. It was nice, in a way. Jimin loved breathing in the cold night then letting the air slip away and watch his heated breath mix with the cold air to create something with the looks of mist.

The seen fit perfect with a broken heart. Like in a movie for instance. They roam around the city streets, at night, in the cold. Because of a broken heart. Something's can be fixed but many things are meant to be broken and not fixed. Jimin’s heart wasn’t one of them, but maybe Yoongi’s.

“When can this just all stop?” Jimin asked himself. “When can it all go back to normal?”

Jimin sat on the cold concrete ground and rested his head on his knees. Tears still streaked the boy's face that was tinted pink from the cold breeze. Parts of his body enjoyed the cold while his heart did not. It simply wanted warmth and comfort.

“Soon.” Jimin looked up to see an all too familiar face. “I promise.”


This is kind of short😥

Schools almost over for the year which means more writing.😁

And I'll have you all know that Most Wanted Criminal will be ending soon. But it's going to be a nice ending ;)

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